Thursday, August 31, 2017

Letters from Nora von Walther

Reading through all  my ancestry letters I have recognized a special name in all these letters "Nora von Walther." Nora was related through marriage on the Bartel side of the family. She was married to Hermann Bartel which was my great grandmother's Ernestine's brother. Because of Nora we have many letters of communication written by her to my ancestors. I have been able to enjoy, laugh, learn about my ancestors, and also read about their sadness and hardships in Germany. On this particular letter written around Christmas 1949 and January 1950, I have learned about my families dedication to help others. In this letter from the town of Sonneberg/Thuringia Germany "Nora von Walther" writes about how greatful she is to receive parcels from America with her daughter Jutta and the joy and happiness it was to open that package and say this came from my auntie in America! 

On the second part of the letter Nora discusses the delicious chocolate cherries and how she has lived quite an English life in those lazy days at Christmas with an English book sent by a friend from England. "God is my Adventure by Rom Landau" and she is passionately interested in it. I have ordered this book and I am currently reading it myself. I hope you all enjoy this letter from a person I hope to learn more about and find more of my relatives in Germany.  


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