Sunday, April 24, 2016

Poems are her stories...Poemas son sus cuentos...

Today is April 24, 2016 a Sunday and I will be starting to post my mama's poems. These are her stories written in poems telling her story about her feelings, her dreams, and her wants. 

Hoy es Abril 24, 2016 un Domingo y voy a publicar los poemas de mi madre. Estos poemas son sus cuentos escritos en poemas que cuentan su historia de sus suenos, su sentimientos, y sus deseos.

Table of Contents
Tabla de contenidos
Poems written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia
Poemas escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia

1.       Personal statement-Declaracion Personal

2.       Poems are dreams-Poemas son suenos-written in 2003-escrito en 2003

This poem is based on three segments on three dreams I had in 1960 when I first arrived in USA. I was 20 years old, full of life, and in the middle of a “mare magnum” of emotions. On the same day of the dreams I started writing and explaining my dreams in prose.

Este poema esta basado en tres segmentos de suenos que tuve in 1960 cuando por primera vez entre a  Los Estados Unidos. Tenia veinte anos, llena de vida, y en medio de un “mare magnum” de emociones. En el mismo dia de los suenos es cuando empece a escribir y explicar mis suenos en prosa.

3.       Hymn to The Mother-Himno de la madre

This poem is a Honduran poem written by:  Agusto C. Coello and music by Rafael Coello Ramos. This poem was translated to English by Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia.

Este poema es un poema escrito por un poeta Hondureno:  Agusto C. Coello y musica por Rafael Coello Ramos. Este poema esta traducido por Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia de Espanol ha Ingles.

4.       Rhythm and Metric-Ritmo y metrica-written in 2008-escrito en 2008

5.        Illusion-Ilusion-written in 2006-escrito en 2006

6.       Learn to read and write-Aprende a leer y escribir

This poem was written in honor of my mother Antonia Engracia Garcia Cortes.

Este poema lo escrbi en honor de mi madre Antonia Engracia Garcia Cortes.

7.       UUUUU-TuTuTu-written in 2006-escrito en 2006

This poem was written from a dream I had three weeks ago. I hope this was a premonitory dream and looking forward to the dream to stay, be clean, happy, and complete.
Este es un poema basado en un sueno  que tuve hace tres semanas y espero que sea un sueno premonisorio,  que se quede limpio, feliz, y completo.

8.       The visitor-El visitante-written in 2006-escrito en 2006

After I came back from the hospital I was feeling guilty because I left my aunt Mary alone. I went and looked for the boxes that had pictures and spent many hours looking at them. Margarita and Dalila arrived to help clean and they also spent time looking at the pictures of our ancestors that looked like us. They said great grandmother looks like Dolly! There were also letters in German, English, and Spanish. In my dream I felt also that he wanted me to be the next guardian of the pictures and letters so I can make copies and distribute them to family. For me the pictures and letters are a treasure. I cannot read the ones written in German. But I am in charge to get them translated and to distribute them. I am 66 years old and it is 2006 and I need to do my homework because I am getting older and all this needs to be distributed before my next journey.

Despues de regresar del hospital me senti culpable porque deje a mi tia Mary sola. Me fui y busque la caja con las fotos y me quede horas mirando las fotos.  Margarita y Dalila llegaron a ayudar a limpiar y tambien pasaron mucho tiempo mirando las fotos de los antepasados.  Tambien habian cartas en Aleman,  Ingles y Espanol. En mi sueno me senti que el queria que yo fuera la proxima  guardiana de las fotos y cartas para hacer copias y distribuirlas a la familia. Para mi las fotos y cartas son un tesoro. No puedo leer las cartas en Aleman pero estoy a cargo de traducirlas y distrubuirlas, porque yo tengo 66 anos en 2006. Quiero hacer mi tarea y distruibirla antes de mi proximo travesia.

9.       Remembrance of a teacher-Remembranzas de una maestra-written in 2006-escrito en 2006

These pictures that I took images of, collected and preserved affectionately are dated since I began my work as a teacher in Villa Delgado in El Salvador. Other pictures were taken in in Orleans Parrish of Louisiana. I have guarded them for my book. Just like the poem described that sadly a loved person that I will not mention a name was used by the enemy to hide and destroy my photos and to hurt my feelings and the family’s peace.

Estas fotos que he tomado, colectado y preservado carinosamente datan desde que commence trabajar como maestro en, Villa Delgado, El Salvador. Otras fotos han sido tomadas la mayoria el distrito de escuelas de Orleans, Louisiana. Las habia guardado para mi libro. Como la poesia describe, tristamente, una persona querida, de la cual no menciono nombre, has sido utilzada por el enemigo para esconder o destruir las fotos y asi herir mis sentimientos y la paz familiar.

10.   Stars-Estrellas-written in 2006-escrito en 2006

Written to my daughters-Escrito para mis hijas

11.   God the Poet-Dios el poeta

12.   Be quiet-Callate

This is a bilingual poem in Spanish and English and written too be used in the classroom and illustrated and to be kept in the students portfolio. This poem was written almost instantly in the classroom to explain what callate and be quiet mean and that it does not have the same connotation as shut up!

Este es un poema bilingue, en Espanol y Ingles y escrito para usarlo en mi clase y ilustriado y para el portafolio. Este poema se escribio instante en la clase para explicar lo que es la diferencia de callate y callerse es.

13.   Angels-Angeles-written in 2006-escrito en 2006

14.  My dog Muneco-Mi  perro Muneco-written in 2006-escrito en 2006

15.   Hollie the Collie-Hollie la Collie

16.   Coquette, Bandit, Tiny and Holly-Coquette Bandit, Tiny y Hollie

17.   Sadness-Tristeza

18.   Happiness-Felizidad

19.   An angel of God-Un angel de Dios-written in 2006-escrito en 2006

Behind each poem is a history and in order to explain more I will write this poem in prose or maybe a short story under the title of “Testimony.”

Detras de cada poema hay una historia y para explicar mas voy a escribir este poema en prose o posible una historia corta abajo de el titulo “Testimonia.”

20.   What is love for me?-Para me que es amor?-written in 2006-escrito en 2006

21.   Nature and I-La naturaleza y Yo-written in Tuscaloosa, Alabama 1960-escrito en Tuscaloosa, Alabama en 1960

This is another segment of my dreams and physical reality. I was in Tuscaloosa, Alabama in 1960 when I had this experience.

Este es otro segmenot de mis suenos y realidad fisica. Yo estaba en Tuscaloosa, Alabama en 1960 cuando tuve este experiancia.

22.   Daughters-hijas-written in 2006-escrito en 2006

23. Sons-Mis hijos-written May 2016-escrito mayo 2016

24.   My dog Neron-Mi perro Neron

 Personal Statement

My name is Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia. I was born In Tegucigalpa, Honduras in Central America. My ancestry is German and Spanish and I became a USA citizen by naturalization. I am bilingual; I have a Bachelor’s in Teaching and have worked as a Teacher in many different positions in the school industry in the United States and in Central America. I am a mother of six children, 14 grandchildren, and six great grandchildren and growing.
I love poetry! As a little girl I used to compose my own poems, read poetry, memorize, and recited short and long poems at school and at reunions. Thanks to my mother and my school teachers who stimulated in my original love that God gave me!
The poems, prose, and stories I wrote for school assignments and for emotional therapy have been lost in paper but not in my memory bank. For sure some of the information varies throughout my life time.
Although I am getting older and always with a serious of emotional vibrations I am finally taking extra time to write down some of that information that is still in my memory bank. I am not given chance to negative vibrations anymore and will continue to work towards my goal by writing my poetry, prose, biographies, and experiences in life.   
I know my journey has been like an Odyssey and so I must continue going with the flow by reorganizing my time and finances. I have to work in order to survive in this materialistic world while I still have my brain, my computer, my hands, and paper to write on. The job I have in order to support me is there just as other needs were being supplied. I can feel it that I am in alignment and the circumstances do not matter.
There is a universal truth written in the Bible and other books of wisdom, which states, in Philippians 4:13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

© Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia

Declaracion Personal

Mi nombre es Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia. Naci en Tegucigalpa, Honduras Centro America. Soy de origin aleman y espanol. Soy cuidadana de los Estados Unidos de America por naturalizacion. Soy bilingue, y profesora con licenciatura y he trabajado en diferente posiciones en el sector de escuelas en diferente partes de los Estados Unidos y en Centro America. Soy madre de seis hijos, madre para mis sobrinas y sobrinos, abuela de 14 nietes, y bisabuela de seis nietos/as y contando!
Mi amor es la poesia, la amo desde que era una ninita, gracias a mi madre y las maestras de la escuela que estimularon en mis esa dadiva que Dios me ha dado. Desde pequena componia poesias. Leia, memorizaba, y recitaba poesias en la escuela asi como en reunions.
Las poesias, prosas, narraciones, e historias que escribi como asignaciones y terapia psicologica se han desaparecido en papel, pero aun permanecen en el banco de mi memoria para usarlas en cualquier momento.
Aunque me estoy envejeciendo y aun sigo trabajando para sobrevivir  en este mundo materialistico, confrontando serias vibraciones negativas, las cuales no permito que se entrometan en me camino creativo, sigo la corriente de la vida. Ahora estoy en alineamento con mi creacion, simplemente tengo que organizar mi tiempo y planear el financiamiento para ejecutar este sueno y llegar a la meta de escribir mis libros.
Yo se que tengo suficiente material para escribir, no solo poesia, prosa, biografias, historias, sino que tambien escritos para peliculas y novelas.
Se que el dinero para apoyar estos libros viene en la misma forma como Dios me ha proveido mis necesidades. Lo unico que necesito es mi banco de memorias, mi computadora, papel y lapiz, manos a la obra Ernestina! Aunque la jornada de vida es como de una Odisea se presenta con obstaculos no tengo porque temer, voy hacia adelante sin luchar contra la corriente.
Hay una gran verdad o la ley universal que se encuentra en la Biblia y en diferentes libros de sabiduria, que dice:
Filipenses 4:13 "Todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece."

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia

Angels are as real
As the air that we breathe
As the water that we drink
As the sunshine that we feel
As the flowers of the spring
As the singing of the birds
As the dancing of the trees

Angels are real
As a good person next to you
Who extends you a helping hand
Angels are visible and invisible
As my daughter “Alba”, says
Yours is Saint Michael!

Do not be afraid, Angels are every where
Visible and invisible
As a drop of rain from the sky
They are real!

© Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia on June 21, 2006


Angeles son tan reales
Asi como el aire que respiramos
Asi como el agua  que bebemos
Asi como vemos el brillo del sol
Asi como el cantico de los pajaros
Asi como la danza de los arboles

Angeles son tan reales
Asi como una buena persona junto a ti
Quien te extiende una mana
Angeles son visibles e invisibles
Asi como mi higja “Alba”, dice
El suyo es San Miguel

No tengas miedo
Angeles estan en todas partes
Visibles e invisibles
Como una gota de lluvia de cielo
Ellos son

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia en Junio 21, 2006

Be Quiet
Learn to listen

Be silent and listen to your heart
Listen to the circulation of your heart
Listen to the respiration of your lungs
To the movement of your intestines

Be quiet and close your eyes
Listen to the birds
To the melody of the wind
And to the leafs on the trees

Be silent and close your eyes
And listen to the murmur
Of the water and the cascade
That runs constantly

Be quiet! Said the cloud to the noisy wind
That passed through the sleeping city
Be quiet and silence and listen to the rain
As it pours down
Listen to the thunder
To the electrical rays that cross the sky

©Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia


Aprende a eschuchar
Silencio y escucha tu carazon latir
Eschucha la circulacion de tu sangre
La respiracion de tus pulmones
El movimeinto de tus intestinos

Callate y cierra tus ojos
Para eschuchar el cantico de los pajarillos
La melodia del viento
Y las hojas de los arboles

Silencio, cierra tus ojos y escucha
El murmur de la cascada
Que corre constantemente

Callate! Le dijo la nuve al viento bullicioso,
Que pasaba por la cuidad
Que dormia silenciosamente

Callate y silenciosamente eschucha la lluvia caer!
Escucha los truenos de los rayos
Electricos que atravienzan el cielo

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia

Learn to read and write

My mother use to say:
Learn to read and write
I do not want anyone to deceive you because you cannot read
Be careful and read every word with detail
The deceiver uses any trick to confuse you
You must be strong and wise in a man’s world
And she referenced to the jailed poet   
Ramon Ortega: "Bitter Truths"
“I do not want to see what I looked throughout the crystal experience
 The world is a market where you buy love, will and conscience.”
It is five o’clock, my mother says:
Get up and be ready to study
She use to say this to me, every morning
Walk and read out loud so I can hear you
While I was reading out loud
She would listen and also learn
Very soon she was ready to ask me questions

© Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia 

Aprende a leer y a escribir

Mi madre siempre me decia:
“Aprende a leer y a escribir”
No quiero que nadie te engane
Porque tu no puedas leer

Cuidosamanete lee cada palabra y detalle
El enganador usa cualquier truco para confundirte
Tienes que ser fuerte y tener sabiduria en este mundo de hombres.

En referencia al Poesta Encarcelado,
Ramon Ortega: "Verdades Amargas"
 Yo no quiero mirar lo que he mirado al travez del cristal de la experiencia,
el mundo es un mercado en donde se compran
amistades y concencias.

Son las cinco de la manana,
Levantate y ponte a estudiar,
Decia cada manana

Camina y lee en voz alta mientras yo te escucho
Mientras escuchaba ella tambien estaba apriendendo
Muy pronto estaba lista para hacerme preguntas

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia


 Each one unique
As the flowers of the field

© Written by:  Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia on June 24, 2006


Cada una unica
Como las flores del campo

 © Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia en Junio 24, 2006

God the Poet

God the Creator
You are the original poet
Every morning you create poetry
Love and harmony
In my heart

The sweetest songs are sung
By the little birds in the early morning
While the trees sing with the
Harmony of the wind
And while they dance they lift their arms
Praising your creation

You are the marvelous musician
The flowers are dressed up
With beautiful colors that are pleasing
Your creation my God
Is to fulfill my heart with joy and love

Wonderful poetry surrounds my soul
From sunshine to sundown
You are the greatest artist
With every moment your paintings
Become marvelous
The sky is full of painted canvases
The key word is Love

© Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia

Dios el poeta

Dios el creador
El es el poeta original
Cada manana crea poesia
Amor y armonia
En mi Corazon

Las canciones mas dulces se cantan
Por los pajarittos en la manana
Mientras los arboles cantan con migo
Armonia y viento
Y mientras bailan y levantan sus brazos
Alabando su creacion

El es el maravilloso musico
Las estrellas estan vestidas
Con hermosos colores que son agradables
Tu creacion mi Dios
Es infundir  mi corazon con alegria y amor

Maravillosa poesia rodea mi alma
De sol a sol
Oh! Eres el mas grande artista
Con cada momento tus pinturas en el cielo
Son maravillosas
El cielo esta lleno de lienzos pintados
Y la palabra clave es amor

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia

The Visitor

I left Aunt Mary in the hospital
I did not want to, but she insisted
She said, go to sleep and come back early tomorrow

While I was sleeping
Between the dressers there was a visitor
He was dressed with light clothes
He was white and very young
With his peculiar “Cachucha”
That the Europeans wore during the 1800’s
When they arrived to America

I woke up
The room had a particular smell
Like someone was there
I went to take a shower
And the phone rang
And the messenger said,
Ms. Ernestina this is...
Please call me!
I called the hospital
And she already passed away

The man with the “Cachucha”
He seemed to be one of the younger brothers
Seems that he was her guardian
With treasures of letters and pictures of him in her box

© Written by:  Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia on June 27, 2006

 El visitante

Deje a mi tia Mary en el hospital
No quieria hacerlo pero ella insistio
Ve y dormir en la cama , ella dijo
Regrese manana temprano

Me fui al apartamento
Mientras yo dormia y un visitante llego
Lo vi parado entre la cama y los gavinetes
Era un hombre blanco y muy joven
Vestido con ropa clara
Algo peculiar en el: “La cachucha”
A un lado de la cara
Como el estilo que los Eurpoeanos usaban
 En los mil 1800’s cuando a America llegaban

Pareciera que el visitante
Resguardaba las cajas de fotos y cartas
Del la familia alemana y queria decirme
Ahora te toca a ti hacer copias
Y distribuirlas al resto de la familia

Para mi estas fotos y cartas
Son un verdero tesoro
Aunque no pueda leer las cartas
En aleman escritas estan
Un di ate tocan a ti
Traducirlas y distribuirlas

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia en Junio 27, 2006

An Angel of God
It happened about thirty years ago,
Thirty years have passed
But it seems like it was today
I asked God to send me an angel
He sent the angel to me in that precise moment!

It was after the middle of the night
I had traveled night and day
If I’m not mistaken
It was six days
I was at the Immigration post at San Diego, California
I was about to close
An agent officer, said
Hurry, senora! It is time to close
I moved as fast as I could
The officer looked at my passport
And my alien resident card,
And said,
Pasa! Pasa!

He got into his car
I waived at him and he stopped
I asked him a question,
Where is the Greyhound station?
He said,
Right there but it is closed
I started to walk faster

Suddenly I felt a powerful presence next to me!
I did not feel fear Because I felt that an angel came
I felt a lift from my arm
My steps were getting tremendous
I felt help with my suitcase, as I felt the lift, from the angel!

He was next to me
And all of a sudden a taxi appears from no where
I asked the taxi to take me to the nearest hotel
I felt like that room was my palace
I felt like a queen and took a long hot bath
I fell asleep like an angel
I was being guarded by the angel till the next day

© Written by:  Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia on June 6, 2006

Un Angel de Dios

Paso hace como trienta anos,
Trienta anos han pasado
Pero parece como que fuer hoy
Le pedi a Dios que me enviara un Angel
Me lo envio en un preciso momento!
Como yo se lo habia pedido

Era duepues de la media noche
Habia viajado noche y dia
Seis dias, si no me equivoco
Y la posta de migracion de San Diego, California estaba por cerrarse
El agente de migracion dijo:
! Apurate senora, es tiempo de cerrar!
Camine tan rapido como pude
El agente cheque mi pasaporte y mi tarjeta de migratoria
Y dijo!
!Pasa, pasa!

El official tomo su carro y se iba
Le hice senal, el paro
Y le pregunte
Donde esta la estacion de Greyhound?
Alli el dijo
Pero esta cerrado

Commence a caminar
Y senti el Angel de Dios que estaba junto a mi!
Casi me levanta del brazo
Y me ayudo con mi balija
Nuestros pasos eran como gigantescos
Y un taxi apracio de nada!
Le pedi: Lleveme a un hote

Ya en el cuarto del hotel
Me senti como en mi palacio
Me meti a la banera por largo rato
Como una reina me senti
Luego fui a dormir
Mientras mi  Angel me cuido
Hasta el otro dia!

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia en Junio 21, 2006

Although the dogs are gone
We learned to be happy
Because they were not suffering any longer
For Holly
We had confidence that she found a new home

© Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia

Apesar de que ellos se fueron
Hemos aprendido
A ser felices por ellos
Porque ya no sufren mas
Acerca de Holly
Tenemos la confidencia que encontro una nueva casa

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia


Look like stars
So brilliant and so distant
Each one on the expanded sky

Give your light
As a magna
Bright star

© Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia on June 24, 2006


Como estrellas
Tan brillantes y tan distantes
Cada una en el extenso cielo
Dad tu luz
Como una magna
Brillante Estrella

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia en Junio 24, 2006

My sons
My sons are like living water
That comes up from springs
From the heart of the mountains
They are like robust trees
With long leafy green branches
That gives shade to the pilgrim
In their veins run the genes
Of their intelligent ancestors
Strong workers and innovators
They are like solid oak
Strong workers
From sun to sun they are upright from head sweats
To provide and educate their families
Is their goal
My sons are responsible men
Strong and healthy
Lovely and helpful
My sons are respectful and affectionate
My children are the life of my life
They are blessed in mind, heart, and soul
My children are a source of my life
Living waters that emanate
From the heart of the mountains

© Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia on May 2016

Mis hijos
Mis hijos son como las aguas vivas
De un manantial que brota
Desde el corazon de las montanas
Son como arboles robustos
Con ramas largas de verdes hojas
Que dan sombra al peregrino
En sus venas corren los genes
De los ancestros inteligentes
Fuertes trabajadores  innovadores
Ellos como robles son
Fuerte trabajadores
De sol a sol su frente honrada suda
Para proveer y educar a sus familias es su meta
Mis hijos son hombres responsables
Fuertes y sanos
Padres amorosos y serviciales
Mis hijos son vida de mi vida
De aguas vivas que emanan
Del corazon de las montanas
Son bendicidos de mente, corazon, y alma
Mis hijos son un manantial de vida
De agua vivas que emanan
Del corazon de las montanas

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia en Mayo 2016

Coquette, Bandit, Tiny, and Holly

Coquette died in Missouri from pneumonia
Tiny was killed by a passing car
When we decided to return to the South of Mississippi
Bandit passed because he was very old

Holly went to the beach one day in Waveland, Mississippi
And never returned
Somebody took her

© Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia 

Coquette, Bandit, Tiny, y Holly

Coquette murio en Missouri de pneumonia
Tiny lo mato un carro
Cuando desdimos  regresar al Sur de Mississippi
Bandit se murio de Viejo

Mientras que Holly se fue a la playa en Waveland, Mississippi
Y nunca regreso mas
Alguien se la llevo

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia

Holly the Collie
One day we moved to Saint Louis Missouri
Our dogs went along with us
Someone gave us a Collie dog and we named her Holly
She looked like a dog on a TV series named “Lazy”

Our dogs got along great with Holly
The dogs were fantastic they got along perfectly
The other dogs liked to stay at home
But Holly was multifaceted
She was happy and always involved in family activities

She was with the children, with other pets, hunting
She also looked after our pet pig “Ms. Piggy”
She loved to play in the snow and go to the woods with my daughter Dolly
She was her guardian and companion

There was something very unique about Holly
She also became a mother to some baby kittens
She would lay down spread her legs to nurse the kittens
The mother of the kittens did not even care!
The cat was happy with Holly’s maternal instincts

© Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia

Hollie la Collie
Un dia nos trasladamos a San Louis Missouri
Llevemos con nosotros a nuestros perros
Alguien nos regalo una perra Collie alquien la llamamos Holly
Ella se parecia a la perra “Lazy” de las series de la television

Nuestros perros se llevaban bien con Holly
Los perros eran fantasticos
Ellos se llavaban perfectamente

Los  otros perros les gustaban estar en casa
Pero Holly era mutifacetica
Era feliz y siempre envuelta en las actividades familiares
Ella estaba con los ninos, con otros animales, con los gatos, y casando
Tambien cuidaba a “Miss Piggy”
Le encantaba jugar en la nieve e irse al bosque con mi hija Dolly
Holly era la companera y guardian de Dolly

Habia algo muy unico acerca de Holly
Tambien llego a ser la madre de los gatitos que pario la gata de Candace
Ellas se echaba con sus piernas abiertas
Para que los gatitos mamaran sus tetitas aunque no tenia leche

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia


I just saw my lover
I ran to hug him
We hugged and kissed
I said: Let us play like wild animals
I ran to follow him
We are running and laughing like we are kids
I am tired and I fall
On the green grass that smells fresh
He jumps on the ground too
We start playing together like wild cats
We rollover on the grass we kiss each other
He gets up and starts to run, saying
Follow and catch me he runs like a deer
I run like a hungry and tired tiger
He is faster than a tiger
He goes into the thick forest
 I am tired and I cannot see him
He vanishes like and Illusion
Into the thick forest covered by passing clouds

© Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia on May 18, 2006


Acobo de ver mi amante
Corri para abrazarlo
Nos abrazomos y besamos
Dije: Juguemos como animales salvajes
Corri para seguirlo
Estabamos corriendo y riendo como ninos
Estoy cansada y me caigo, dije
Sobre la verde hierba  que  huele  con su aroma fresca
Tambian  el salta sobre la grama
Empezamaos a jugar como gatos salvajes
Nos dimos vuelta sobre la hierba y nos besamos
Se levanta y comienza a correr, diciendo:
Sigueme y agrrame y empieza a correr como un venado
Yo empece a correr como un tigre con hambre
El se fue a la profundidad bosque del abudante
Estoy cansada y no lo puedo ver
El desaparecio como una ilusion
En el profundo bosque cubierto por nubes pasando

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia en Mayo 18, 2006

Nature and I

As I went to sleep
I was ready to take another trip
I was a giant jumping over the mountains
I was running
I crossed valleys and rivers
I came back early in the morning
And I became sad
I wanted to stay
I started crying
I felt tears wetting my face
The sky started getting sad and a dark cloud was passing by
Rain of drops started coming down
When I saw the rain, I said:
“Nature is crying with me”
I woke up and walked towards the window
It was raining! I was crying!
I could not believe it
That even nature was crying with me!

© Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia in Tuscaloosa, Alabama 1960

La Naturaleza y Yo

Asi como me iba a dormir
Lista estaba para otro viaje,
Como una gigante sobre las montanas
Con pasos agigantados iba corriendo
Cruzando valles y rios
Tenia que regresar
Temprano por la manana
Entonces me entristecia
Queria quedarme
Comenzaba a llorar
Lagrimas humedician mi cara
El cielo empezaba a entristecerse tambien
Una obscura nuve pasaba
Y gotas de lluvia caian
Asi come veia que la lluvia caia
Yo decia en mi sueno:
“La naturaleza esta llorando conmigo”
Me leventaba y caminaba hacia la ventana
!Estaba lloviendo y yo estaba llorando!
! No podia creerlo!
Aun la naturaleza estaba llorando conmigo

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia en Tuscaloosa, Alabama 1960

Holly the Collie

One day we moved to Saint Louis Missouri
Our dogs went along with us
Someone gave us a Collie dog and we named her Holly
She looked like a dog on a TV series named “Lazy”

Our dogs got along great with Holly
The dogs were fantastic they got along perfectly
The other dogs liked to stay at home
But Holly was multifaceted
She was happy and always involved in family activities

She was with the children, with other pets, hunting
She also looked after our pet pig “Ms. Piggy”
She loved to play in the snow and go to the woods with my daughter Dolly
She was her guardian and companion

There was something very unique about Holly
She also became a mother to some baby kittens
She would lay down spread her legs to nurse the kittens
The mother of the kittens did not even care!
The cat was happy with Holly’s maternal instincts

© Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia

Hollie la Collie

Un dia nos trasladamos a San Louis Missouri
Llevemos con nosotros a nuestros perros
Alguien nos regalo una perra Collie alquien la llamamos Holly
Ella se parecia a la perra “Lazy” de las series de la television

Nuestros perros se llevaban bien con Holly
Los perros eran fantasticos
Ellos se llavaban perfectamente

Los  otros perros les gustaban estar en casa
Pero Holly era mutifacetica
Era feliz y siempre envuelta en las actividades familiares
Ella estaba con los ninos, con otros animales, con los gatos, y casando
Tambien cuidaba a “Miss Piggy”
Le encantaba jugar en la nieve e irse al bosque con mi hija Dolly
Holly era la companera y guardian de Dolly

Habia algo muy unico acerca de Holly
Tambien llego a ser la madre de los gatitos que pario la gata de Candace
Ellas se echaba con sus piernas abiertas
Para que los gatitos mamaran sus tetitas aunque no tenia leche

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia

My dog Muneco

Muneco was his name
He was a Saint Bernard
He was noble and faithful
He was our guardian
He watched us when we were sitting on our coach
It was the coach my daddy built for us

One day this man passed by on his German made motorcycle
Muneco got hit by the motorcycle!
He was badly hurt
He went to my uncle’s house to die!
We were very sad

He was part of our family
For many years after that incident we did not have another dog

© Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia on June 17, 2006

Mi perro Muneco

Era su nombre
Era un perro San Bernardo
Era blanco y robusto
Era noble y fiel
Era nuestro guardian
El nos cuidaba cuando estabamos en nuestro coche
En el coche que construyo mi papa

Un dia un hombre pasaba en su motcicleta alemana
Golpio a Muneco!
El se puso mal y fue a morirse a la casa de mi tio
Nos pusimos muy tristes

Era parte de nuestra familia
Yo tenia como cinco anos y todavia lo recuerdo
Por largo tiempo no tubimos otro perro

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia en Junio 17, 2006

My Dog Neron

About thirty years later
I bought a house in Colonia Kennedy
My brother Conrado bought a white tough dog
With a dark circle around his eye

Neron was his name
My brother trained Neron to defend the family
Was a command he learned
To defend the family
So no one would come and abuse the family

Neron had two masters
My brother and my mother
When strangers would come
Neron was ready to defend
To protect its Master Antonia
And the rest of the family

There were different times that Neron attacked people
And Master Antonia did not know
She had to pay the doctor bills to the people Neron attacked
Neron did not attack any family members
Only if he saw a family member become abusive
My brother purchased a house far in the hills
But not too far away from us
He took Neron with him
Becaue Neron was needed over there
One day Neron became ill
And he died

© Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia

Mi perro Neron

Como treinta anos despues cuando compre una casa en Colonia Kennedy
Mi hermano Conrado compro un perro blanco y fuerte
Y con un circulo obscuro alrededor de su ojo derecho
Neron era su nombre

Mi hermano entreno a Neron a defender la familia
Era el comando que el aprendio
Para saltar sobre alguien que llegara abusar la familia

Neron tubo dos amos
Mi hermano y mi madre
Cuando extranos llegaban hasta la barandilla
Neron estaba listo a proteger
A su duena Antonia y el resto de la familia

En diferentes ocasiones la duena Antonia no sabia que Neron habia atacado a alguien
En consequencia ella tubo que pagar doctores que atendieron a las gentes
Neron nunca ataco a ningun miembro de la famillia
Solamente cuando algun familiar estaba abusivo y listo para danar a la familia

Cuando mi hermano compro una cas en los cerros
No muy lejos de nosotros
El se llevo a Neron consigo
Porque lo necesitaba alla
Un dia, Neron se enfermo y murio

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia

What is Love for Me?

Love is smiling
Love is showing appreciation
For ourselves and others
Love is spontaneous

Love is serving others without recompense
Love is not remorse for the good things we do
Love is accepting what others are doing for us
Love is respect for ourselves and for others
Love is accepting the individual’s differences
Love is respecting others beliefs
Their culture, skin color, social, and economic back grounds

Love is kindness
Love is not insulting
Love is not mental or physical abuse
Love is not material things or money
Love is not manipulative
Love is spontaneous

Love is the law of force that supports us
Love is in our inner lives
Let us show that bright love
With our words and actions

Love is forgiving our trespasses
Love is the law of force of changing our attitudes
Toward the alignment of
Peace of mind, heart, spirit, and body

Love is the purest expression
That exists in our inner lives
Love is the force of law
That comes from God

© Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia on June 11, 2006

Para mi que es amor?

Amor es sonreir
Amor es demostracion de apreciar
Para nosotros mismos y nuestras semejantes
El amor es espontaneo

Amor es servir a otros sin esperar recompense
Amor no deja remordimiento por las cosas buenas que hacemos
Amor es aceptar lo que otros hacen por nosotros mismos y por nuestros semejantes
Amor es aceptar las diferencias individuales
Amor es respetar las creencias de los demas
Sus culturas, color de piel, su estado social, y economico e intelectual

El amor es amable
El amor no es insulto
El amor no es abuso mental ni fisico
El amor no es material ni dinero
El amor no es manipulativo
El amor es espontaneo

El amor es la ley de la fuerza que nos apoya
El amor esta en nuestra vida interna
Permitamos que nuestro amor brille
Con nuestras palabras y acciones

Amor es perdonarnos nuestros errores
El amor es la ley do la fuerza de cambiar nuestras actitudes
Hacia el alineamiento de
Paz mental, del Corazon, del espiritu y el cuerpo
El amor es la ley de la fuerza
Que viene de Dios

© Escrito por: Ernestina Heller Modesta Garcia en Junio 11, 2006

Poems are Dreams

Sounding waves awake and dormant in my soul while words are dancing.
As I am going to sleep my body is resting like a butterfly my soul is still awake.

I’m ready to go!
I’m a giant jumping over the hills.
I’m an eagle flying far away.
I’m getting on the other side of the mountains.
I am coming to see my people, I see them, and they cannot see me.

I’m dressing like a nymph, a white dress with tiny clear pink roses on the collar, transparent, and pure like an angel.
My hands are moving like wings, dancing over the crystalline waters of a river that vanishes with me through the mist of another day.

I’m crying! It is raining! Nature feels my soul! I’m opening my eyes, I’m crying, I’m walking toward the window and it is raining!

It is real, nature is crying with soul!

© Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia on July 25, 2003

Poemas son Suenos

Sondeo como ondas despierta o dormida
Las palabras danzan en mi alma
Asi como voy a dormirme
Mientras mi cuerpo descanza
Despierta mi alma esta como mariposa
Lista par volar

Lista pare irme
Voy saltando sobre los cerros a pasos gigantescos
Soy como un aguila volando lejos
Estoy llegando al otro lado de las montanas
Vengo a ver mi gente
Los puedo ver, pero ellos no me pueden ver

Estoy vestida como una ninfa
Vestido blanco con rositas rosadas en el collar
Transparente  y pura como un angel
Mis manos se mueven como alas
Danzando sobre las aguas cristalinas
Del rio que conmigo se desaparece
Atravez de la niebla del otro dia

Estoy llorando, esta lloviendo
La naturaleza  siente mi alma
Estoy abriendo mis ojos
Estoy llorando

Estoy caminando hacia la ventana
Esta lloviendo, es real
La naturaleza esta llorando conmigo

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia en Julio 25, 2003

Remembrances of a teacher

Where are my pictures?

Forty two years have passed
Since my pictures were taken
When I was working as a teacher
In my twenties
In that little Village of Delgado, in El Salvador
I had pictures of my first work that I loved
Of my first kindergarten children
Whom I remember like it was yesterday

I had carried my pictures with me where ever I would go
I would display them in different class rooms
Until in my house, one day, the Enemy came
To intrude and disrespect my privacy
Taking the pictures that disappeared
All those pictures that I carried through my teaching career

I wanted those pictures for my photo album
The jealous and envious enemy
Came to take my pictures away

Knowing that they were part of my journey
That I wanted to treasure in a photo album

Sadly the enemy uses dear ones
Goes into their minds
Sends them evil vibrations
To destroy and hurt our peace of mind    

©  Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia on June 27, 2006

Remembranzas de una maestro

Donde estan mis fotografias?

Han transcurrido como unos cuarenta y dos anos:
Esas fotos fueron tomadas en mis veintes
Cuando trabajaba como maestra
En la pequena Villa Delgado, El Salvador
Fotos de mi primer amado trabajo,
Mis primeros alumnus del jardin de ninos
A quienes los recuerdo como si fuera ayer!

He llevado mis fotos donde queira que yo voy,
Las he exhibido en diferentes clases,
Hasta que en esta casa de Spring Hill
Un dia el Enemigo llego!
A entrometerece e irrespectar mi privacidad
Haciendo desaparacer las fotos
Que fueron tomadas en el transcurso
De mi vida como maestro!

Como quiero las fotos para mi libro,
Entonces el enemigo celoso e envidioso
Llego a coger mis fotos
Para herir mis sentimientos
Sabiendo que ellas son parte de me travesia
Atesorar para mi libro las queiro

Tristemente, el Enemigo
Usa nuestras mas queridas familiares
Usa la mente de ellas
Enviandoles odiosas vibraciones
Para destruir y herir la paz de la familia mia!

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia en Junio 27, 2006

Rhythm and Metric

I do not write with rhythm and metric
My experiences I write
I forgot how to use rhythm and metric
Although my syllables
Sound for me with rhythm and metric
For others maybe not

I know my heart has rhythm and metric
My circulation does too
My lungs work with rhythm and metric
My respiration does too
I walk and dance with rhythm and metric
My skeleton does too
I sleep and dream with rhythm and metric
My cerebrum does too

My biological clock has rhythm and metric
As I go to sleep and as I wake up
My biological clock says time to eat
As my intestines have rhythm and metric
My biological clock says, thirsty, thirsty
Water, water, water
My biological clock clicks my nervous system
Wires in order! Wires in order!
Pain here, pain there, pain over there

Nature has been created by God
With rhythm and metric
Sun shines and sun goes down at the same time
Seasons and time arrive with rhythm and metric
As snow, storms, and rain

Flowers, vegetables, and fruits
Are given on seasons and time
Trees praise creation with open arms
While the leafs clap their hands
If you pay attention and listen
You find out that they also
Have rhythm and metric too
And so on

© Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia on June 28, 2008

Ritmo Y Metrica

No escribe con ritmo y metrica
Mis experienzas escribe
Me olvide como usar ritmo y metrica
Aunque mis silbas
Con ritmo y metrica suenan para mi
Para otros talvez no

Se que mi Corazon tiene ritmo y metrica
Mi circulacion tambian
Mis pulmones trabajan con ritmo y metrica
Mi esqueleto tambian
Duermo y sueno con ritmo y metrica
Mi cerebro tambian

Mi reloj biologico tiene ritmo y metrica
Asi como voy a dormir y me despierto
Mi reloj biologico dice hora de comer
Aci como mis intestinos con metrica ritman
Mi reloj biologico dice, sed, sed
Agua, agua, agua
Mi reloj biologico pincha mis sistema nervioso
Alambras en ordern alambres desornados
Dolores aqui, dolores alla, dolores aculla

La naturaleza ha sido creado por Dios
Con ritmo y metrica
Asi come nieva, relampagauear, llueve
Amanece anochece diario al mismo tiempo
Las estaciones llegan con ritmo y tiempo

Flores, vegetales, y frutas
Son cosechadas en estaciones y en tiempo
Los arbules alaban la creacion con brazos abiertos
Mientras las hojas aplauden con sus manos
Si tu pones atencion y eschuchas encontraras
Que ritmo y metrica tienen tambien

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia en Junio 28, 2006

Every time we lost a pet we suffered
We were sad
We cried for our pets because we loved them
They were part of our lives

With the losses
We learned that sooner or later pets have to die
Just as our human family members have died

© Written by: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia 

Cada vez que hemos perdido a una mascota
Nos entristecimos
Lloramos  porque los amabamos
Ellos fueron parte de nuestras vidas

Asi come se fueron
Aprendimos que tarde o temprano nuestras mascotas
Tenien que morirse
Asi tambian
Se mueren nuestros miembros de nuestra familia

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia


I opened the window and
I saw U!
You were young and strong
U did not drink and smoke any more
U were clean
U were watering your green and healthy garden
That was shaped almost like a triangle
Under the tree of life
Behind was the brook of the river
Your little woman next to you
With long black hair dressed in black
With a long skirt and a white blouse
And on your other side there was what looked like a 1930’s antique car
The cabin was dark brown of pure iron
The back was like a truck
U were still smiling
Contemplating your green garden
Under the tree of life

© Written by: Ernestina Modesta  Heller Garcia on June 26, 2006


Abri la cortina y te vi
Tu estabas alli joven y fuerte
Tu ya no bebias ni fumabas mas
Tu estabas limpio
Regando tu verde
 Y saludable hortaliza
Que tienen la forma como de triangulo
Debajo del arbol de vida
Detras la rivera del rio
Junto a ti estaba tu mujercita
Con su largo pelo negro
Vestida con falda negra, larga, y blusa blanca
Al otro lado
Estaba tu carro antiguo
Carroceria como un camion
La cabina circular hecha de puro hierro
Color café obscure como de los anos 1930
Sonreias y contemplabas tu hortaliza
Debajo del arbol de la vida

© Escrito por: Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia en Junio 26, 2006

Hymn to the Mother 


In the name of mother contains
The higher expression of love
Because there cannot be on earth
An image clearer of God 


When we open our anxious eyes
Unto the first splendor of life
Is her lovely pale touch
Our first sweet first vision
When she enters the unknown path
With her charitable shade and sacredness
Every thorn that wounds our sole
 Her hands convert into a flower

Mother you are comfort in weeping
Hope and faith on the path
The good tree that gives to the traveler
Rest, shelter, and peace
Sanctifies your love in that manner
God his self-died and was tortured
Sublimate as a scared martyrdom
With your final kiss on the face

Like a tribute today in Honduras consecrated
To your immortal glory this day
Mother you are goodness and happiness
The refuge, light, and forgiveness
That you excel virtue passed
The mystery of remote ages
Prolongs in the warm footsteps
That palpitates in this song

Escrito por: Agusto C. Coello and music by Rafeal  Coello Ramos

Honduran Culture 

Himno a la Madre

En el nombre de Madre se encierra
La mas alta expresion del amor
Porque no puede haber en la tierra
Una imagen mas clara de Dios


Cuando abrimos los ojos inquietos
 Al primer resplandor de la vida
Es su palida faz conmovida
Nuestra dulce y primera vision
Y al entrar al ignoto camino
A su sobra benefica y santa
Cada espina que de nuestra planta
La convierten sus manos en flor
En el nombre de Madre se encierra
La mas alta expression del Amor

Madre que eres consuelo en el llanto
La esperanza y la fe del camino
Arbol bueno que da al peregrino
El descanso, el abrigo y la paz
Santifica tu amor de tal modo
Que Dios mismo al morir torturado
Sublimo su martirio sagrado
Con tu beso postrero en su faz

Como un culto hoy Honduras consagra
A tu gloria inmortal este dia
Madre que eres el bien, la alegria
El amparo, la luz y el perdon
Que tu excelsa virtud traspasando
El misterio de edades remotas
Se dilata en las calidas notas
Que palpitan en esta cancion

Written  by: Agusto C. Coello and music by  Rafeal Coello Ramos
Honduran culture

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