Saturday, June 25, 2016

"Little Fire"..."Pequeno Fuego"...

0656pm...October 25, 2015...Octubre 25, 2015...
I have been thinking on how to start my blog about my grandbebe “Little Fire.” He is wonderful!  Hey we who have grand kids believe they are the greatest and higher over any others. Funny! But when my grandbebe was born and I and his uncle “de Brionne” saw him and baby boy turned to the side and just stared at us with those beautiful eyes and wonder I knew immediately that this kid was something special and noticed and calculated right away the faces of his familia.
He estado piensando como enpezar  el blogue de me niete “ Little Fire.” Es tan marivilloso! Mirar a nuestros  nietos/as creyendo que ellos son los mejores entre los demas. Chistoso eh! Cuando mi niete bebe nacio,  su tio “De Brionne” y yo, lo vimos, el bebe dio vuelta hacia al lado, nos vio osombrados con esos lindo hojos.  Inmediatamente yo supe que el es un nino especial, y noto y calculo tan pronto las caras de nuestra familia.
I will write about his cuteness, intelligence, his funny ways, when he gets upset, how loud he is, his love for others, how fast he is growing, speed of running, bumping his head, and my relationship with my grandbebe from the perspective of his abuelita. Someone once told me that the love for your grandbebe is totally different than that of your own kids.
Voy  escribir como es hermoso, inteligente, chistoso forma, bullicoso cuando se molesta, que ruidoso es, su amor para otros, que rapido esta creciendo, como se golpia su cabeza, la velocidad de sus carreras  y la perspectiva de mi relacion con mi nieto.

Time does not stop for any one. We all are moving at the same speed just at different times. In November 08, 2015 “Little Fire” will be two! Wow, where has time gone? Even though I get emotional thinking of this I am blessed for the time I have had with him because I know when they start growing life interferes. Just as it did for my two kids and we must flow with it there is no turning back. As time is ticking away like the sound of tictac, tictac, tictac, I picture “Little Fire's” hair when he was born and it was so black and beautiful and always spiked. Big beautiful dark eyes like his mama and eye lashes as long as a deer’s lashes. Killer eyes, beautiful smile with dimples, skin as white as a white lily flower. What a sweet boy that the Lord gave to me to be part in his life as his abuelita. Well once “Little Fire” started moving, standing, jumping, talking, and bumping his head all time there was no stopping him. I remember when he stayed with me for the first time and I gave him a quick bath in the sink and he was cold and shaking and I moved quickly to put a towel around him so he would not be cold. I wrapped him and just hugged him and kissed him and smelled his clean baby body that I knew I had to take advantage off now because I knew I would not have many of these occasions with him.
El tiempo no se detiene para nadie, todos nos movemos con la misma  velocidad pero en diferente tiempos! El 8 de Noviembre  2015 el “ Pequeno Fuego”  cumplira dos anos.  Incredible! Para adonde va el tiempo? Aunque me siente emocionada pienso que es una bendecion compartir momemtos con el, porque  cuando los ninos enpiezan a crecer las circumstancias de la vida interceden. Justamente  como ha pasado con mis dos hijos. Tenemos que fluir  “No”  podemos regresar el tiempo. Asi como el tiempo pasa, con el sonido de tictac, tictac, tictac estoy imigando el “ Pequeno Fuego” cuando nacio con su precioso pelo  negrito  y siempre parado; con sus grandes hojos ocuros como de su madre y pestanas largas como las de un venado,  hojos que matan, sonrisa linda con chocollos y blanca piel como la blanco  de un blanco lirio. Tan dulce nino el que Dios permitio que llegara a ser parte de su  vida como su abuelita. Bien,  una vez  cuando el “Pequeno Fuego” enpeiza a moverse, parando, brincando, hablando, y golpiando su cabecita, no hay nada que lo pare! Recuerdo la primera vez  cuando el se quedo conmigo y le di su primer bano rapido en la pila, el tenia frio y empezo a temblar, rapdio lo cubri con una tolla, lo envolvi, abrace, bece, y lo oli su delicada piel de bebe, tome ventaja de la situacion porque sabia que no iba a tener muchos  momentos como este junto con el.

Growing pains is what I call this, not for him but for me and I am only his abuelita! I see “Little Fire” growing up in front of me and I’m wondering what life will bring to him. I see God’s love in him all the time. Especially how he expresses it and how he is very vocal and not shy and an example.  When I kept him for the weekend and he never slept away from home and his bed it was a wide awakening for me!  He moved a lot and we both really did not sleep. It brought back memories and wondered how in the world I even made it! I guess a mother’s instinct kicks in and we must do what needs to be done with care and love. “Little Fires” verbal speech is very impressive for his age and almost at two he can keep a conversation and a phrase with you. He has been taught to be respectful, saying please, thank you, and today he told me excuse me. Wow! To adorable he also plays on his own and puts characters together like in a game. But his first word was “gato”.

Como abuelita observe los dolores del  crecimiento! Lo miro crecer frente de mi y pienso en su futuro. En el  siempre veo la obra de Dios,  como vocaliza, como se expresa, no es timido, y es ejemplear. El primer fin de semana que durmio conmigo, ambos no dormimos,fue muy duro, el extrana su cama, nos moviamos constatemente. Luego mire a la memoria del tiempo, recordando  mis hijos, y me preguntaba como sobrevivimos!  El instinco maternal  despierta y empieza a hacer lo necesario para criar, ciudar, y mantener con amor. La conversacion del “Pequeno Fuego” es impresionante para su edad y tiene dos anos y usa frases completas e intercambia conversacion conmigo. Ha aprndido buenas maneras, a ser respetuoso, a decir por favor, gracias, hoy me dijo permiso. Es adorable! Tambian juega solo y pone los caracteres juntos como un juego. Su primer palabra fue “gato”!
I remember when he just realized what jumping was about and he would try to jump and he would lift up his whole body with so much effort, and there would go one leg up and the other up and he would just continue. And then he started walking faster to get away and of course running came next. What a runner with energy from the time he gets up till it’s time to go to bed. How he has been able to stretch his body high with his arms reaching the door knobs and with his tip toes as high as he can get them and reaches, reaches, “arriba”, higher, there he goes he did it. I’m out of that room, yeah! Little Fire is not a tall child and will not be, but his perseverance is mesmerizing, and his bumping of his head under the table is almost gone. When he is about to fall and hit his head he cradles his body and realizes what is about to happen and uses caution. He falls in a way where he can rock his self and not hit his head on the floor and he start's saying, I’m okay, I’m okay!
Recuerdo cuando el realizo que era saltar, trataba de hacerlo levantando todo su cuerpecito con mucho esfuerzo  y levantaba sus piernas una y continuaba practicando. Pronto  enpezo a caminar y luego corer con tanto energia desde el  amanecer  hasta el anochecer. Aprendio a estirarse, epinarse, con todo su cuerpo  para arbrir la puerta y listo para salir y sus pies se levantan hacia arriba le da vuelta a el pomo de la puerta, y alcanza, alcanza, alcanza mas arriba, y  alli va y los iso! Ya me sali de esta cuarto, ah si! El “Pequeno Fuego” no es muy alto y creo no lo sera, pero su perseverencia es estraordinaria y ya golpiando su cabecieta  abajo de la mesa casi ya no lo ase porque ha aprendido a usar precaucion. Cuando cae ya sabe que es nesesario a balancearse y dice, estoy bien, estoy bien!

Little Fire calls me “Abuela” sometimes he calls me Abuelita, and other times he calls me grandma, or nana, but most of the time I am abuela to “Little Fire.” It does not matter what he calls me because they all mean the same thing and he is an innocent ever learning child of my Jesus. Never punish a child for his innocence but teach him in kindness, patience, and love. I as his abuelita try my best to just teach him Spanish. He is very intelligent and in my opinion can be bilingual without any problem. But I can only teach him when we are together.  When he says “pajaro” it is so adorable to listen to his pronunciation and how he is so precise in his learning techniques. When he calls for the gato or gata who is a female feisty feline living in my home he leans down and says Ginger hi Ginger while putting his two hands on his legs and leaning over and talking to the gata mala.
“Pequeno Fuego” me llama abuela o abuelita, a veces me dice grandma o nana, pero la mayoria soy abuela para el “Pequeno Fuego.” No me importa  como me llame, significa lo mismo para el inocente nino de Jesus. Nunca castigues a los ninos por su inocencia, por el contrario continua ensenandoles con ambilidad, paciencia, y amor. Tambian como su abuelita trato de ensenarle solo espanol y es muy inteligente, en mi opinion puede ser bilingue sin ningun problema, pero solo le puedo ensenarle cuando estamos juentos. Cuando dice “pajaro” saune tan ador
able a echucar su pronunciacion, y tan precisa  su tecnica de aprendizaje. Cuando llama por la gata o gato quien es una gato felina que vive en mi casa el nino se agacha y dice Ginger, hola Ginger, y mientras pone sus dos manitos sobre el piso se inclina y le habla a la gata mala!

"Little Fire" will not be living with me soon and his voice will not be forgotten!  I am writing all this in order to remember what is important to me through my grandbebe’s life. So here are some short stories and pictures of my Little Fire….
El “Pequeno Fueguito” no vivira conmigo, nunca olvidare su vocecita! Escribo esto parque es importante recorder la vida de mi nietecito.  Aqui hay pequenas historias y fotos de mi “Pequeno Fueguito.”

"Little Fire’s" limbs are getting stronger each minute, each hour, and each day. He is now pulling his self forward to crawl. It’s his first great adventure of movement and now he can move faster, faster, faster. First “Little Fire” is here than in seconds he is way over there.
Las extremidades del “Pequeno Fueguito” cada minute, hora, y dias se hacen fuertes .  El se empuja hacia  adelante para gatear. Esta es su primera gran aventura de movimiento y ya mas rapido, rapdio, y rapido! Primero “Pequeno Fuego” esta aqui en segundos esta alla!

"Little Fire" enjoys watching Mickey Mouse on really takes his attention away and Little Fire just stares at Mickey and sits and listens and is in another world for a little while.
El “Pequeno Fuegito” encanta ver el Raton Mickey Mouse en el televisor, pone atencion, ve, escucha, y se va a otro mundo por algun rato.

"Little Fire" has very long eye lashes and beautiful dark round eyes…long lashes like una vaca…and round eyes like a deer.
El “ Pequeno Fuegito” tiene largas pestanos como  una vaca y ojos redondos como de los venados.

"Little Fire" has really wide and flat feet so “He” can run as fast a cheetah.  And they stomp hard back and forth back and forth across the room. Little Fire runs there, here, and over there!
El “Pequeno Fuegito” tiene pies anchos y planos, corre como un leopardo, atraviesa hacia el cuarto con pies fuertes, se para aqui, se para alla, corre por aqui, y corre por alla.
"Little Fire" is just learning that he is getting taller and when he is under the table he cannot just walk straight up...He must learn how to bend down and walk from under the table. Little Fire hits his big round head, ouch, boom, crash!
“Pequeno Fuego” ya esta aprediendo que esta creciendo y cuando esta debajo de la mesa entiende  que no puede pararse, sino que tiene que doblarse o inclinarse para  salirse o meterse de regreso debajo de la mesa. Fuegito se golpea redonda cabeza grande, ay, golpe, y chocar. Hay que dolor!
"Little Fire" loves manzanas…and abuelita gives him a whole round manzana and only peels half of one side till he is ready to eat the next side. Little Fire drops the manzana often and any fruit that is round will become a throwing ball for joy and laughter. Poor fruit they really get a bumping and bruising.
Al “Pequeno  Fuegito” le encantan las manzanas, abuelita le da la manzana completa pelada solo la mitad hasta que esta listo para comerse la otra mitad. Fuegito le gusta jugar con las manzanas o caulquier fruta redonda porque las usa como pelotas, las tira, y se goza de riza…jejeje… Pobre frutas, se llenan de golpes morados.

"Little Fire" likes his bath because he can take his cars and “Little Fire” is not afraid of the water and will lean to put his head in water he will lean all the way back or he will swim in the tub.
Asi “ Pequeno Fuego” le gusta banarse en la tina porque juega con sus carritos, le gusta el agua, no tiene miedo, submerge su cabeza en el agua.
"Little Fire" loves water and unlike others he is not afraid of something that is so precious.
El “Pequeno Fuego” le encanta la agua y asi como otros el no tiene medio de algo tan precioso.
"Little Fire" uses the word “gato” to describe many things. His mama says, I will never teach my other child that word!
“Pequeno Fuego” usa la palabra “gato” para describer muchas cosas. Su madre dice que nunca le ensenare esa palabara si tiene otros hijos!
"Little Fire" is not afraid of “La gata mala” he sees her and knows she will run from him. Immediately "Little Fire" throws his body on top of Ginger and holds her down in a tight grip while “La gata mala” eyes look like they are about to pop out of her head! We look with astonishment and hope that Ginger does not attack him.
El “ Pequeno Fuegito” no le tiene miedo a la gata mala, la ve y sabe que le huye, brinca sobre ella, la apoya en el piso, y parace que a la gata mala le van a salir  los hojos de su cara! Lo observamos pensando que la gata no lo ataque!

"Little Fire" figures out how to jump on the sofa upside down and he starts to jump and flips upside down and he says, look I flip my head! Little Fire is so adorable when he says that.
“Fuegito” ha averiguado como saltar sobre el sofa y con sus piernas y pies hacia arriba da vueltas y dice, miren, doy vuelta en mi cabeza! El es adorable cuando lo dice!

"Little Fire: is in the kitchen so he can cook! He takes out all the dishes from the bottom cabinets and throws them ever where. Very often things from the kitchen have disappeared! JeJe Je…"Little Fire" takes a pot and makes car soup!
Cuando “ Feugito” esta en la cocina el piensa que cocina, saca todos las hoyas de los gavinetes y las tira por todos lados, muchas cosas se desaperecen, jejejeje y usa las hoyas para hacer sopa de carros!
"Little Fire" saw me come down the steps one late morning and came up to me and started to push me away!
El “Pequeno Fuego” me vio que yo bajaba las gradas una manana y empezo ha empujarme.
"Little Fire" when he wants to get out of his high chair he looks at me and wants out because he has had enough of eating and sitting. But I don’t take him out if he is with his family.
Cuando “ Fuegito” queire bajarse de su silla de comer me queda viendo implorando que lo baje, pero lo ignore cuando esta comiendo con su familia.

"Little Fire" likes to come to my room to look for chocolate!
“Pequeno Fuegito” le gusta entrar a mi cuarto para encontrar chocalates!
"Little Fire" does not like to stay to long on the bed because he thinks he will be put to sleep or the door will close on him. He does not like closed doors!  Would you?
“Pequeno Fuego” no le gusta estar por largo tiempo en la cama porque piensa que lo pondran a dormir o que la puerta se cerrera. No le gusta las puertas cerradas. Y a ti?
"Little Fire" is a people person and what a great attribute was given to him.
“Fuegito” es amiguero y es gran atributo.
“Pequeno Fuego” no le gusta puertas ceradas. Y tu? “ Pequeno Fuego” es un nino de jente y que atrubuto tan gran el tiene.
"Little Fire" likes to look at youtube videos of cars of “ Zoubi Doubi” and “ Trotro.”
“Fuegito” le encanta  ver youtube videos de carros de “ Zoubi Doubi” y “ Trotro” el burro.
I was invited to help out with taking pictures of the new baby still in the womb and when we were at the park the moon was out and Little Fire never had an encounter with the moon before. To keep his attention and help look after him I said, look up, look up do you see the moon! He looked up with astonishment and a wonder of disbelief while his brain and eyes were trying to decipher what that round thing was so high up there. “Little Fire” continued his amazement look above and pointing and saying, the moon! Oh what wonder he must be thinking and when I looked at his joy and wonder I myself wondered what his brain and eyes were computing! This is another thing about “Little Fire” I will never forget!
Me invitaron a tomar fotos de la familia y el bebe nuevo todavia en el utero de su madre y fuimos al parque, la luna estaba redonda en el cielo, “Pequeno Fuego” nunca  lo habia visto. Para tratar de tener su antencion durante el tiempo de fotos y el nino en mis brazos, senale hacia  arriba al cielo y le digo, mire la luna! “ Fuegito” nunca la habia visto, se quedo viendo admirado, asombrado, y con incredulidad , y diciendo: mira, mira la luna! Estubo por largo tiempo admirando la luna, mientras pensaba en el gozo y maravilla que se mente estaba descubriendo. Estos recuerdos siempre estaran en mi memoria.

"Little Fire" would be a great big brother.
“Pequeno Fuego” el sera un gran hermano!
When I picked up Little Fire from church on that day we laid his baby brother to rest I had the privilege to be with him and when I put him in the car seat and I looked at him through the front mirror he was filled with joy. He started to kick his legs, than he was smiling from ear to ear, he was bopping his head back and forth, and then he took his beautiful arms and hands and started going back and forth in a dance. I always will remember this on this hard day!
Cuando recogi al “ Pegueno Fuegito” de la iglesia tube el privilegio de estar con el y cuando lo sente en la silla del carro, lo observaba por medio del espejo, estaba gozoso, pataba con la musica, entonces sonreia de oido a oido, movia su cabeza, levanto sus preciosas manos para danzar. Siempre lo recordare!

I love the poem, Footprints in the Sand, and this picture that I have added reminds me of those foot prints. But my foot prints are from a winter's day where I am behind my grand baby. No matter where "Little Fire" is I will be right behind you with my foot prints to watch over you.
Me encanta el poema de, Huellas en la arrena, y en esta foto que ves me recuerda de esas huellas. Pero mis huellas son de el dia de invierno cuando estaba parada detras de me nieto. Sin importar adonde, " Pequeno Fuego" yo voy estar detras de el con mis huellas como su guardian.

"Little Fire" does not live here any longer. He lived here till he turned two!
“Pequeno Fuego” ya no vive aqui! Vivio aqui hasta que cumplio dos anos!

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