Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Memories of Blaze...My dog...Memorias de Blaze...Mi perro

Blaze your eyes were like the beautiful blue sky on a summer day

Blaze tǜ hojos eran como el bello cielo azul en un dìa de verano

Blaze you were faster than that squirmy squirrel

Blaze tǜ eras tan sinuoso como las ardillas

Blaze your face imprints were like the raccoon's

Blaze las huellas de tǜ cara era como de los mapaches

Blaze the kids in the neighborhood said your eyes looked like you were blind

Blaze los niños del vecindario decìan que parcìas un ciego

Blaze when you greeted us your tail was so strong when it waged

Blaze cuando saludabas movìas tan fuerte tu cola

Blaze your bark was so loud and comforting

Blaze tǜ ladrido era tan fuerte y confortante

Blaze you did not stutter when you barked, but your bark was controlled

Blaze tǜ no tartamudeabas cuando ladrabas, pero tǜ ladrido era controlado 

Blaze you scared baby boy when he was little because you were so strong and wild

Blaze tǜ asustastés el niño bebe cuando era pequeñito porque eras tan fuerte y salvaje

Blaze you were the only one with those wonderful sky blue eyes from your pack

Blaze tǜ eras el ǜnico de tu manada con esos ojos azules como el firmamento  azulado

Blaze everyone loved you and wanted you

Blaze todos te amaban y te deseados

Blaze why did you pick a fight with that neighborhood dog?

Blaze porque escohistes pelear con el pero de el vecindario? 

Blaze the mail man enjoyed your wonderful presence

Blaze el hombre del correo postal se disfrutia con tu presencia 

Blaze you loved to run upstairs and hide in her room

Blaze te encantaba subir corriendo las gradas y esconderte en el cuarto de ella

Blaze she was your best human friend you loved her best

Blaze ella era tǜ mejor amiga humana y la amastes mejor

Blaze you looked out of her window standing on your two humongous dinosaur feet

Blaze tǜ mirabas a travez de la ventana parado con tus dos tremendas patas de dinosaurio 

Blaze you loved to eat everything

Blaze te encantaba comer de todo

Blaze you knew my temperament

Blaze tǜ conocias mi temperamento

Blaze you slept at the bottom of our stairs

Blaze tǜ dormias a los pies de nuestras gradas

Blaze you got very sick

Blaze te enfermastes 

Blaze when you only had little strength left that little dog would come visit you

Blaze cuando tenias poca fuerza le permitistés aquel perrito que te visitara

Blaze we had to let you go

Blaze tuvimos que dejarte

Blaze I have your ashes

Blaze tengo tus cenizas

Blaze we miss your beautiful blue eyes, your strength, your protection, and your love

Blaze  extrañamos tus preciosos ojos azules, tu poder, tu protección, y tu cariño

'Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.'-Anatole France

Free Verse poem: Written by: Odette & translated by her mother, Ernestine in the 2018...

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