Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The CARE Package's to Germany...

      My family in the United States had a great input in taking advantage of the CARE Package program that was formed in 1945 by the humanitarian organization to bring aid to families in Europe. The Cooperative for American and Relief Everywhere first was created for the invasion of Japan that did not occur. World War II put many people in Europe in danger of starvation and these CARE packages would bring relief to them in this time of trouble.

     The Heller-Bartel family, starting from my great grandparents to my my great aunts and uncles were supporters for our family in Germany and others. They were allowed to send packages at the cost of ten dollars and the first packages from USA landed in Bremen in 1946. My letters and CARE package receipts tell of the relief, joy, and happiness on receiving a grateful abundance of much needed goodies and even clothes. I also have read the funny complaints of the coffee that was received burnt and unusable to the package of goodies opened and given to a families friend with out consent of the the family who was to receive it.

      I can remember this has been part of our lives duty to help family who have it difficult or made wrong choices in their lives with food, clothes, shoes, and money. Even to those who do not deserve it we have helped in times of needs. My mother is a testament on continuing to support the family in Central America or in USA. There always will be those who use and abuse family or a program designated to help others. But I am grateful that we are able to help those who are not even our family.

                            Below are the CARE coupons that were sent to our family in Germany

      Mi familia en los Estados Unidos tubo un gran impacto en tomar ventaja del programa CARE, fundado en 1945 por la organizacion humanetario para enviar ayuda a familia's en Europa. La CARE fue originalmente creada por la invasion de Japon, la que en realidad no ocurrio. La Segunda Guerra Mundial sometio a muchisima gente en Europa en peligro y hambre, estos paquetes de CARE llevaban comida a la gente en esos tiempos dificiles.

     La familia Heller-Bartel, comenzando con mis bisabuelos y mis bistios y bistias apoyaron a nuestra familia y a otras gentes en Alemania. Se les permitia enviar paquetes de a $10.00. El primer paquete  llego de EE.UU a Bremen en 1946. Mis cartas y los recibos acerca de los paquetes de CARE, manifiestan el alivio, gozo y felicidad al recibir con gratitud abundante de la comida, zapatos y ropa. Tambien lei las quejas chistosas del cafe quemado y inutilizable, hasta paquetes de golosinas que la familia alemania le obsequio a otras familias sin el consentimeinto de la familia recibiendo el paquete. 
     Desde que recuerdo esta tradicion ha sido parte de la vida de nuestra familia en ayudar aliviar las necesidades de otros miembros en dificultad, y aun ayudando en comida, ropa, zapatos, y dinero para aquellos miembros que han hecho malas decisiones. Mi madre es un testimonio continuo apoyando a la familia en Centro America o en EE.UU. Siempre habran aquellos que abusaran de la bondad y confianza de la familia, y de programas designados para ayudar a otros. Pero estoy agradecida de poder ayudar aun aquellos que no son familia.

                        Adjuntos estan los cupones de CARE que fueron enviador a nuestra familia a Alemania

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