Monday, March 12, 2018

What is a life, without experiences? Como es una vida, sin experiencias?

“Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs.”-Charlotte Bronte “Jane Eyre”

My mama found out she was pregnant with her first child when she came to USA to study at the University of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. She was a bright eighteen year old whose parents and the family in USA worked hard in order for my mama to continue her studies and to become a professional woman from a University in the United States and the family worked very hard to obtain legal residence for her. When my mama lived in Honduras she was always an outgoing girl, community helper, independent, hardworking, very studios, straight “A” student who became the Valedictorian of her class. My mama was involved in many activities while carrying her “A” grade status. When her graduation came she graduated with excellent grades as the Valedictorian and read the commencement speech to her graduating peers.

La vida se aparce para mi muy corto para estar gastando en hacer durar animosidad o registrando la injustamento.”-Charlotte Bronte” Janet Eyre

Mi madre descrubrió que estaba prenada de su primera hija cuando llego por primera vez ha estudiar a la Universidad de Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Ella era brillante con dieciocho años de edad y sus padres en Tegucigalpa, Honduras y la familia en los Estados Unidos trabajaron mucho  para obtener la documentación para que ella llega como residente legal y ha continuar sus estudios y ser una mujer professional de una universidad de los Estados Unidos. Cuando mi mama viviá en Honduras era muy extrovertida, trabajodora, activa en la comunidad, independiente, muy estudiosa, con calificaciones de “A” y la mejor de sus clases en preparatoria y fue asignada ha leer el discurso de la ceremonia de graduacion. 

 My mama’s life was always a roller coaster as she was growing up from a family who was going through difficult times and who persevered over a Honduran society of hardships, prejudice, and diseases. My abuela Antonia Engracia Garcia Cortes was a hard working woman and very forward with her actions and responses and who took on the hardships of a woman, mother, and wife. She was born in Central America, the municipality of San Matias of El Paraiso. My abuelo Rodolfo Heller Bartel was born as a national of Costa Rica but his ethnicity is German and his parents were born in Germany. My abuela’s nickname was Toñita and she was a tanned woman who came from a family who owned land and livestock. My abuela did not have a good relationship with her sisters and brothers and had distanced her self from them. My mama states she did meet her abuela as a little girl but that her mama’s relationship with her siblings was very unbalanced.  As a child my mama remembers going with her mama to the market to buy fruits and bumping into her aunt whose name was Cristina Garcia Cortes. My mama’s tìa Cristina did not approach them but kept her distance and waved to my mama from afar and gave my mama a smile. But her tìa did not approach her due to respecting my abuela’s feelings. My mama states that her tìa Cristina resembled her mother whose name was Mercedes Cortes Valle de Garcia. 

              La vida de mi mama era mezcla de sentimientos en una familia de difulcultados economicós que perseveraba la vida dura, los prejuicios, y las enfermedades de la sociedad Hondureña. Mi abuela Antonia Engracia Garcia Cortes fue una mujer muy trabajadora y recta en sus acciones y sus respuestas, con dificultidad como una mujer, madre, y esposa. Mi abuela Toña nacio en San Matìas, Jurisdicción de Francisco Morazán, en Tegucigalpa Honduras Junio 13, 1902. Mi abuelo Rodolfo Heller Bartel, quien nació en Costa Rica, Centro America, Mayo 30, 1900 como nacional, pero su etnicidad era Aleman. Sus padres nacieron en Alemania. El apado de mi abuela Antonia era Toña o Toñita y ella era de color bronceada clara, de una familia que eran propietarios de tierras y ganado en San Matias El Paraiso. Mi abuela no tenia buenas relaciones con sus hermanas y hermanos y se distancio de su familia. Mi mama cuenta que conoció a su tìa Cristina Garcia Cortes cuando iban al mercado en donde ella tenia un puesto de frutas y vegetales que ella traìa de San Matìas. Mi mama se acuerda verse con su tìa Cristina y cambiar sonrisas, pero mi tìa Cristina no acercaba ha saludarla porque ella respectaba los sientimientos de su madre. Mi mama dice que su tìa Cristina se paracia a su abuela Mercedes Cortes Valle de Garcia.

               My abuela also had a strenuous relationship with her father. As a young girl my abuela was sent to a private tutor to take classes and to be taught reading and writing. But as the story goes the teacher she was entrusted took full advantage of her youth, time, and family’s money. She would force my abuela to sell her “pan” or bread she baked at home instead of using her time to teach her reading and writing. So my abuela Toña would skip classes in the home of her tutor and leave and go to the river and spend her time away from that teacher. One day when my abuela Toñita was out with her father and they bumped into the tutor who proceeded to ask my abuela why she was not going to her tutoring classes! Her father became outraged and my abuela tried to explain the situation someone who knew what was going on tried to explain the situation to him but he refused to listen to anyone. So her punishment from her father was that as a girl she would not have the opportunity to learn to read or write and she would have to work the land by bringing water in, washing clothes, make tortillas and deal with the livestock. My abuela became illiterate in writing and reading! It is ironic what her punishment was from her father because he really ended up doing to her what the tutor did too her!

Mi abuelita Toña tenia una relación muy dolorosa con su padre, quien la mando a una escuelita privada con una tutora para que la enseñara ha leer y escribir. Pero resulta que la tutora no le enseñaba nada, uso su tiempo, juventud, y dinero de la familia. Por el contrario la utilizaba como vendedora de pan que ella horneaba en casa en lugar de ensenarle ha leer y escribir.  Entonces mi abuelita Toña decidió ir no mas a clases y se iba al rìo ha paser el tiempo y duespués regresaba ha casa. Un dìa cuanda mi abuelita salio con su papa la tutora aperació por allì, y preguntó, que pasa Toña, que no haz venido ha clases? Entonces, Toñita tuvo que explicarle ha su padre lo que pasaba y otra persona que sabia que paso le trato de explicar, pero su padre se negó ha eschucharla y la castigó para siempre. El castigo para Toñita fue ser la sirventa de la casa, cuidar el ganado, halar agua, lavar ropa, y hacer tortillas. Mi abuela Toña se volvio anafabeta con relacion ha escribir y leer! Es ironico lo que el papa de mi abuela le izo porque es lo mismo que le izo ha ella la tutora! 

My abuelo Rodolfo and his siblings were all very educated in high school, college, trilingual, and some ended up in the military. My grandparents were two very contrasting individuals that met while my grandfather was a pilot in ther Air Force in Toncontìn, Tegucigalpa Honduras and they had three children two boys and one girl my mama Ernestina Modesta Heller Garcia, Carlos Alberto Heller Garcia, and Bruno Conrado Heller Garcia. The hopes and the dreams lay on the shoulders of these three individuals and my mama would be the one to carry this torch. It was up to my mama to become the best she can continue being. Her mama would make her rise out of bed very early, as early as four in the morning before classes to study and to learn to memorize her class work. My abeula Toña was illiterate but very intelligent in her way of learning. When my mama would repeat my abuela would listen and memorize the work herself. In this way my abuela was very intelligent but she carried the feeling of astigmatism not feeling worthy because of her illiteracy and she was a very angry woman and rarely smiled. My abuela’s life would become tough as a married woman and a wife. She married a man who was in the military and not home often because of his job and one of the boys at age two encountered Polio and became a very disruptive and violent individual in the home as he became older.

Mi abuelo y sus hermanos fueron educados academicamente y algunos eran trilingǜes, y otors en la militaria. Mis abuelos eran dos individuos con una contraste total diferente y tuvieron tres hijos que sobrevivieron.  Mi abuela se caso con un hombre quein era piloto en la fuerza aerea de Toncontìn Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Nacerion dos hijos y una hija mi mama Ernestine Modesta Heller Garcia, Carlos Alberto Heller Garcia, y Bruno Conrado Heller Garcia. Y mi mama era la hija que acarrearìa la antorcha de la carrera de la victoria academica. Mi abuela Toña levantaba a mi mama muy demadrugada ha estudiar con candil o candela, como las quatro de la manana antes de ir ha la escuela. La forma de estudiar era en voz alta, repitiendo, y mientras tanto mi abuela Toña escuchaba y se memorizaba las lecciones. A pesar de la falta academica de mi abuela ella demostró ser inteligente. Sin embargo, crecio con un estigmatisomo de no ser suficiente en el campo intelectual de los hombres.  Por su falta de academia ella resentìa la vida, era enojada y sonreìa poco! Mi abuela cargaba mucho en su vida, con su esposo que no estaba en la casa para aistar, y con un hijo que desarrollo polio y crecio con problemas emocionales y violentes.

“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing”.-Benjamin Franklin

In Psychology Today, there is a paper written by M. Gerard Fromm (2012). The subject is, Lost in Transmission: Studies of Trauma Across Generations. In this article it also speaks of the German generation and their suffering of malnutrition, physical privations of the German people during WWI, the Great Depression, and the Nazi appeal to children of Central Europe. My mama’s dad's ethnicity was German and all the letters I have from my ancestors written from Germany speak of lose, pain, war, and lack of food. When I decided in the year 2006 to start working on my ancestry tree and write my mama’s life her DNA results gave us information on how much of the European/German/Native American side she had in her DNA. Well the results were 68% European and 24% Native American.

"O escribes algo que valga la pena leer o haz algo mejor escribiendo."-Benjamin Franklin

En Psycologia Hoy, hay un documento escsrito por M. Gerard Fromm (2012). El tema es, Perdido en Transmisión Estudios de Trauma A Traves de las Generaciones. En este artìculo tambìen habla  de la Gran Depresión, del sufrimiento y la mala nutrución, de las deprabaciones fìsicas a los hijos alemanes después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y el apelar contra los Nazis en Europa Central.  El grupo étnico de mi madre es alemán por sus decendientes y todas las cartas que tengo escritas en alemán donde hablan de los sufrimientos por falta de alimientos, pérdidas fìsicas de familiars y haberes, todo el dolor y tristezas. En el 2006 decidì hacernos un exámen de ADN para comenzar a trabajar con mi árbol genealógico y escribir la vida de mi madre. El resultado de mi madre es 68% europeo y 24% native Americano. 

My mama picked up on a lot of the suffering in her life and wanted to change this and break the bondages of her current life and learn new things and move forward. With courage she stepped out of the home and she would find new things on the outside world. She would start to attend different religious institutions and learned a little about different ways people and churches would go door to door to proselytize or about different religions. She would meet with evangelicals, Adventist, Jehovah Witnesses, and Catholics. All these institutions of worship would eventually influence my mama in many ways and forms and how she would see her life with God. My mama states that she learned to respect other religious beliefs. Growing up as a young lady, in El Salvador, while she was working with the other young ladies in the community helping out in the catholic church for charitable funds my mama discovered that the priest was using his authority to abuse “Las Hijas de Maria” in the choir and this is when my mama started to rebel against the church and eventually refused to stop attending services.  Eventually with her own eyes she would see the tricks of some of the priest who would use their authority to abuse children in different ways and forms.  My mama stated she would not want to put her kids in that type of situation, but my mama ended up looking for a way out in places that ended up harming her and harming her future children.

Mi madre recogio de su vida todos estos sufrimientos y quizo cambiarlos para romper esa esclavitud de su vida para darle un nuevo giro ha la situacion y continuar.  Con valor y con paso ella se salio de su hogar a encontrar nuevas oportunidades en la vida afuera. Cuando mi mama crecia he iba ha la iglesia aprendiendo como las Iglesias iban de puerta en puerta para adoctrinar.  Mi abuela le daba permiso de ir a los cultos con las misioneras evangelicas, adventistas, testigos de Jehová, católicos. De todos ellos iba aprendiendo poco a poco de las enseñanzas de la Biblia y aprendio ha respetar las creencias de los demás. Todas estas instituciones de culto con el tiempo influencio ha mi mama en diferente formas en como su punto de vista era con Dios. Ya crecida, viviendo en El Salvador, mientras ella trabajaba con otras damas de la comunidad ayudando ha la iglesia catolica ha recaudar fondos para la comunidad descubrio al sacerdote que usaba su autoridad para abusar de “Las Hijas de Maria” que pertenecian al coro de la iglesia, y por hecho ella comenzó ha revelarse contra los ideas de la iglesia hasta el punto de no congregarse en ninguna iglesia. 

My mama was around seventeen years old graduated from high school and still carrying that spirit of separation from her home and with a desire for a better future. This is when my mother met the Director Mrs. Matilda de Izaguirre who worked for the bilingual school, Escuala Americana, founded in 1946 in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.  Someone invited my mama to Mrs. Matilda de Izaguirre reuniones where she was the leader of this organization that my mama does not remember the name off, but had a member who was a master teacher or what they also called a Guru originally from Europe in her home. His name was Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere born in Paris, France and was a French Initiatic Philosopher. My abuela Toña did not understand the depths of the teachings but her intuition as a mother and a woman would have her treading through the house late at night waiting form my mama. But my mama would tell my abuela that they were not doing anything bad or negative. My mama and her group of friends would walk many kilometers from their homes  to the center of Comayagǜela. My mama did not know what she was getting into she saw it as innocent intellectual listening of views of what others were saying and thinking and to help her move forward from her home situation as she was becoming a woman. My mama’s parents found out she was attending these meetings and with prejudice they were not happy with her choice. My mama was growing up and learning to become a woman where she can make her own choices and eventually leave the nest. My abuela Toña was not on the same page as my mama and was very displeased with my mama’s choice and advised her to not go to those meetings due to the teachings this individual was presenting to these young people. My mom would go to the meetings any way, but according to her, she would just sit, listen, and watch. My abuela Toña was not happy and thought that these teachings were not good for these young people.

Alrededor de sus 17 anos cuando salia de la escuela secundaria y siempre con el espíritu de superación y con el anhelo de un mejor future conocio ha la directora de la Escuela Bilingüe Americana (fundada en 1946 en Tegucigalpa, Honduras), senora  Matilde de Izaguirre, quien organizaba reuniones en su casa de habitación. Alguien invito ha mi madre a las reuniones de la senora Matilde de Izaguirre, quien era la líder de la organizacion, la cual era una rama de otra organizacion que en ese tiempo habia sido Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere comenzo con una investigacion científica sobre la relación del hombre con el universo parapsicológico, esotérico y metafísico. Mi abuela no conocia el fondo de las ensenanzas, pero su intuition de madre y mujer le hacian lugar por las noches llegando tarde ha casa, pero mi madre decia que ella no andaba haciendo nada malo percibir algo negative. Mi abuela y mi madre discutían por eso, por otro lado mi abuela no queria que mi madre continuara reuniendose en aquel por el contrario estaba aprendiendo algo nuevo. Fundada en Francia, Europa, por un guru llamado Serge Raynaud de La Ferriere, quien nacio en Paris, Francia, y quien tambien era un filosofo. Mi madre empezo ha reunirse alli con otros jovenes de la misma edad, con quienes siempre caminaban juntos muchos kilómetros desde el centro de Comayagüela hasta sus casas. Y mi madre no sabia exactamente el proposito de aquellas doctrinas, pero las veia como inocentes enseñanzas intelectuales decisiones intelectuales he ir volando para dejar su nido. Que su hija, quien es mi madre se reuniera a escuchar las platicas. Sin embargo, mi madre crecia y empezaba a ser sus propias. Mi abuela Toña no estaba feliz con esa decision de mi madre y le advirtio que esas enseñanzas quizás no eran buenas para los jóvenes. Pero mi madre continuaba iyendo ha las reunions mientras escuchaba y observaba. 

Little by little my mama started noticing that this man was different and he had a self-image of him at the meetings and that his followers adored the image of Serge Raynuad de la Ferriere. It was very bizarre for my mama and she knew it was wrong and remembered her days in the church about not worshiping any graven image! My mama did not understand the impact that these meetings would have on her life, her beliefs, and her future. This Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere was into para scientific research, he was into investigating the universe relationship with man, parapsychology, esoterism, and metaphysical studies. 

Poco a poco, mi madre observaba que aquellos intelectuales adoraban la foto de Ferriere. Lo que ella no quizo hacerlo  porque ya había aprendido en las iglesias anteriores que no era correcto adorar ha un hombre como ídolo. Mi madre no podia entender el impacto que aquellas creencias causarían en su vida.

“There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand”.-Proverbs 19:21

My mama was searching for things at this time in her life. With so many trials and errors in her family’s life and the absence of her father and his drinking problem just made it easier for my mom to fall for deceptions in her walk of life. When we are weak in life and do not call out for help to our Creator our Savior any one and thing that comes around will just do for us! We are searching for life, love, and worthiness and when the wolf comes looking for the sheep if we are not awake and aware we can be devoured!

“Muchos pensamientos hay en el corazón del hombre; Mas el consejo de Jehová permanacerá.”-Proverbios 19:21

Es un tiempo de su vida, mi madre estaba investigando la vida. Con tantas pruebas y tribulaciones de su familia, la ausencia de su padre alcohólico afecto la vida de mi madre con muchas decepciones. Cuando estamos débiles y no buscamos por la ayuda del Creador nuestro Salvador muchas cosas negativas se cruzan en nuestro camino. En la bǜsqueda del conocimeinto de la vida, amor y de valor moral tenemos que estar prevenidos y atentos al lobo que ataca listo ha devorar las abejas sin pastor. 

My mama has always been out going, beautiful, and well known. She always has been studios and into poetry and very hard working and also attending to her own house hold by sharing the duties of helping out with a younger brother whom contracted Polio as a toddler. My mama started working at the age of seven due to unseen and uncontrollable circumstances that occurred in her life as a child by helping her mom with folding, ironing, picking clothes up and dropped them off for others and then continued this as an independent worker at the age of fifteen. She started working at a clothing store named “Salame”, than later transitioned to, “La Teinda Panayoti”, selling shoes, than started working with a government office and taking their deposits to the bank.  While my mama would attend to her youngest brother who was infected with Polio she also was attending classes at the “Academia Alpha” and also was working with “La Compañia Internacional de Seguros S.A. She eventually graduated in the presence of “La Primera Dama de la Repǜblica” and “Promoción Galindo” where she won in achievement of grades and the Valedictorian of her graduating class. Some of the attendees were Doña Alejandrina de Villeda Morales, Don Galindo, Don Tacho, Doña Adriana Valerio, and other authorities and that time. My mama received many gifts and the ceremony was in a new theater that she does not remember the name of. She received flowers, a gift basket of carnations from the company she worked for and from friends. But most of my mama remembers that presence of her mama Toñita who was so proud of my mama to watch her first academic graduation. The presence of my mama’s tìa whose nickname was Chuja was also there but the presence of her father Rodolfo was not there due to his job that always had him away traveling.

Mi madre siempre has sido extrovertida, bella, y bien conocida por sus trabajo, sus estudios, participación en drama y poesìa, mientras atendìa a la familia en cuanto fuera necesario, ayudando ha sus madre con su hermano menor que era incapacitado ha causa de Poliomelitis. Mi madre comenzó ha trabajar muy temprano ayedándole a su madre a aplanchar ropa ajena y yéndola a entregar. A la edad de quince años comenzó a trabajar como dependienta en la tienda de telas para ropa “Salame”, luego entró ha trabajar muy con “La Teinda Panayoti”, vendiendo zapaptos mientras hacìa depósitos al banco he iba a las oficinas del gobierno a tramitar documentos del nogeocio. Mientras estudiaba en la Academia Alpha y para el tiempo de su práctica comenzó ha trabajar para la Compañìa Internacional de Seguros S.A, trabajando allì ese año se graduó bajo la “Promoción Galindo”, y tuvo el honor de ganar notas excelentes y de haber sido la Saludatorian en su graduación, ante la presencia de la Primera Dama de La Repǜblica, Doña Alejandrina de Villeda Morales, Don Galindo, Don Tacho, Doña Adriana Valerio, y otras autoridades importantes de la época. Recuerda mi madre la inauguración del cine nuevo del cual no recuerda el nombre, y las ofrendas florales, una canasta de claveles de parte de la compañìa de seguros, de amigos y sobre todo la presencia de mi abuela Toñita orgullosa de ver ha su hija Ernestina con su primer éxito académico, y su tìa Chuja, y mi abuelo Rodolfo estaba de viaje. 

I really feel sad for my mama at that time of excellence when her dad should have made all the effort to be there for my mama, but he was absent again! Maybe her dad’s presence would have kept my mama from making her future mistakes with Abraham.  My great grandparents had many difficult times due to World War II. Since the family carried German names and my mama and her brothers were subjected to abuses at their school and their home was forcibly stolen and given to the political party and their friends. My mama always remembers “Tecolote” who came to the home with a document and read it too my grandmother Antonia saying that the house and the parked truck was now his property! Before they knew it they were on the streets and a new chapter started in their lives. But we as a family have always persevered and have been truly blessed in so many ways no matter the circumstances of darkness that has tried to bring us down. 

Yo me siento triste para mi madre porque en el tiempo que debia de estar el padre de ella allì y hacer todo posible con su presencia, no estaba otra vez, pero ausente! Posible miente la presencia de su padre podria evitar en los problems con Abraham. Todos esas dificultades que mis abuelos tuvieron fueron conexción de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Mi abuelo era de pardres alemanes y mi madre y hermanos de apellido alemán, fueron sujetos a abusos en la escuela, mi familia fue expropeiada de sus bienes, les robaron su casa y otros haberesa dándoselas a los amigos de los politicos de turno. Mi madre recuerda que un hombre llamado “Tecolote” llegó con un documento, se lo leyó a mi abuela Antonia y decìa que la casa y un camion que estaba parqueado ahora eran de su propiedad. Muy pronto estaban en la calle, y aquì comeinza otro capìtulo pero siempre nuestra familia somos afurtunados no inporta la escuridad que nos tratan de bajar.

“The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before”.-Albert Einstein

One day on her way to one of these reunions, my mama and abuela got into a heated discussion because she was going out to late. My abuela Toña did not know much about these meetings, but her intuition as a mother and woman felt that it would not go well for her daughter. Disobeying the advice of your parent could be a difficult choice and sometimes we must disobey because of the unhealthy home and other times it is just plain disrespectful disobedience on our behalf. Sometimes parents do not know how to make a change in the home for the best of the family and they continue on the same path and bondage's they do not break in the family and so suffering continues. Suffering in homes like this usually become an ongoing psychological battle and physical abuse. My mama wanted to make a change but she did not have the support system necessary to make those choices. My abuelos were busy in their own struggles in life as a couple, working to survive, being parents, and just being human. In that heated discussion my abuela had with my mama she warned her not to go to that meeting that a punishment from God would await her for her disobedience! Well my mama said I am going, and she did! What happens next is almost like the butterfly affect. If we can control our emotions and try to choose the right path of actions we than can reduce that ripple effect into the next generation and our own life if not that butterfly effect can ripple almost like a tidal wave that keeps us dragging back and forth.  We all are free to choose but not free from the consequences!  My mama would walk to her usual bus stop and catch the bus to her meetings. On this particular day when my mama walked to the bus stop she saw two individuals there waiting for the bus a man and a woman. As my mama stood there at the bus stop all of a sudden out of nowhere this man picked up his hand and pressed on my mama’s body to start to fondle her buttocks. My mama was stunned and took the purse she was carrying and smacked man on his face with it. The man became furious and took out a knife he was carrying with him and started walking towards my mama to attack her as she was walking backwards and panicky while the only thing that stopped this man was the woman”thank God,” states my mama, the woman yelled at him to stop and the man backed off! My mama states that if this woman would not have said anything she probably would have ended up dead that day. This was a short term punishment for my consequences of disobedience. 

Una tarde, mi madre yendo ha uno de las reunions, mi abuela y mi madre entraron en discusión porque mi abuela no querìa que ella saleira tarde, y aunque mi abuela no estaba al tanto del contenido de las reunions, su intuición de madre y mujer podia percibir que no irìa bien para su hija en esas reunions de esa tal organización acuariana. Mi madre re huso seguir el consejo de su madre, desobedeció y continuó en su camino.  A veces los padres no saben hacer un cambio en el hogar para mejorar el abiente, siguen con la misma rutina que no rompe la esclavitud y los sufrimeintos continǜan. Sufrimientos que ha la larga se convierten en una batalla de abuso psicológico y fìsico. Mi madre querìa transformarla, pero faltaban los recursos necesarios.  Mientras sus padres estaban muy ocupados en la lucha de su relación, trabjando para sobrevivir, ser padres, y ser humano. En la descusion entre mi abuela y mama, mi abuela Toñita le advertió y prohibió ir ha las reunions le advirtió que su desobedicìa que Dios la castigarìa! El cual fue un hecho de corto y largo plazo. Lo que pasó después es el efecto de la mariposa, sino controlamos nuestras emociones sin decidir los pasoso correctos  de nuestras acciones entonces podemos reducer el efecto de la cosecha ha la siguiente generación y de nuestra propia vida. Esa tarde en cuanto mi mamá llegó ha las estación de buses, venìa un hombre acompañado de una mujer, el hombre le toco los glǜteos a mi mama, entonces mi mama le dio vuelta dándole un carterazo al hombre, el hombre sacó un pǜnal aproximándose ha mi mama, mi mama caminaba hacia atrás con panica y gracias a Dios la mujer le gritó al hombre y lo paró y evitó el ataque. Este fue el castigo de corto plazo las consecuencias de la desobediencia. 

“How few are those who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them”.-Benjamin Franklin

The organization that my mama was involved in was adult individuals who already were into this new age teaching and many manipulators who already were attending the meeting even before my mama and her school mates attended.

At this meeting my mama would meet new people and this is where she first met a man named, Abraham. He would get close to my mama by talking to her about the guru Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere and he would tell her that this man was crazy. But Abraham would be there at these meetings any way following along and learning the techniques on how create his own organization. Finally, this man Abraham would manage to initiate his own group of individuals and make his own organization with the same similarities of Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere. In his home he started a group named “La Sociedad Blanca Maya,” where he had a wife, two kids, his mother, grandmother, and some cousins living with him. My mama would leave the old organization where Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere attended and go to new place where Abraham would be the leader in his home and have the same intentions as the guru Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere did.

Cuan pocos son aquéllos que tienen suficiente coraje para apropiarse de sus propios errores, o suficiente resolución para corregirlos”.-Benjamin Franklin

En esta organización ha la que mi madre llegó a ser parte en donde muchos adultos quienes estaban en esa nueva era de enseñanza y muchos manipuladores que estaban participando de las sesiones aǜn antes que mi madre y sus companáneros atendieron.

 En estas reuiónes mi madre conocerìa neuva gente y fue allì en donde ella conoció ha, Abraham! El se acercaba ha mi made para hablar aerca de gurǜ Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere y le decìa que él estaba loco, sin embargo, Abraham continuaba yendo ha las reunions y aprendiendo técnicas para hacer su propia organización. Finalmente, Abraham pudo manajar ha un grupo de gente para organizer, “La Sociedad Blanca Maya”, en su propia casa de habitación, con su esposa, dos hijos, madre, abuela y unos primos. Mi madre dejo la vieja organización para unirse ha “La Blanca Maya,” en donde Abraham siguìa el mismo intento de lìdar comó el guru Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere.

                                                 “I want God not the idea of God.”-C.S. Lewis

" Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright, but they have sought out many inventions."-Ecclesiastes 7:29

My abuela Toña was still advising my mama to stay away from those types of meetings and to remove herself from that house. But my mama was being groomed by the new leader, Abraham and the adults who were there. This man was full of games and knew exactly what his intents were towards getting my mama to entrust in him and for her to become closer to him. This man was a pro at carousing his way around woman especially the stripling! He was already successful in using people to his advantage for his own greed and for popularity. This man would tell my mama that his marriage was forced by manipulation, greed, status, even by the woman he married, her father, and his own father who pushed the marriage. It was more of a stage than of love and you cannot force love! So many couples get together for all the wrong reasons and then the rippling of family dysfunction enters and then they try to blame whoever is next in line and my mama was the target and blame of many unpleasant things.

                                               “Quiero a Dios no la idea de Dios”.-C.S. Lewis

"He aqui, solamente esto he hallado: que Dios hizo al hombre recto, pero ellos buscaraon muchas perversiones."-Eclesiastes 7:29

Mi abuela Toñita continuaba advirtiéndole ha mi madre mantenerse alejada de dicha  organización. Pero mi madre estaba siendo influenciada por Abraham y los otros adultos. Este hombre continuaba con sus juegos manipulando, acercándose y sabìa exactamente sus intenciones para ganarse la confianza de mi madre para que se fuera acercándose ha él. Este hombre era listo para acercarse ha las mozas jóvenes! El tenia éxito en usar gente para su propia ventaja y llegar ha ser famoso. Este hombre decìa que su matrimonio fue manipulado, por ambición, estado, y por la misma mujer con quien se iba casar, el padre de ella, el padre de el, y que era mas una escana que amor! El amor no se puede forzar!  Muchas parejas se unan por razones erróneas y entonces la oleada de la defunción familiar entra y luego intentan culpar quien sea próximo en la fila. Y mi madre era la meta y culpa de muchas cosas desagradables!

This man Abraham started his own sect within his home with many followers including young people. Before you knew it he had twelve adult males who were part of his meeting and always with him. When my abuela Toña saw this man with his twelve followers she became unimpressed immediately and let my mama know that this man thought he was “Jesus” because he had twelve men following him like the twelve diciples! It could be a possibility that he was thinking he could imitate “Jesus” and have these twelve followers with him at all times. When I speak to my mama about her past life stories it is because I want to understand her role as a woman who made choices that eventually would change her future. I am the second to the youngest of six children and I want to keep my mama’s legacy alive with honor and respect!  My mama was not in any means perfect but a lot was put on her shoulders to carry because of her upbringing and the choices she made. 

Este hombre, Abraham comenzó su propia secta entonces en su casa con muchos seguidores y jóvenes y antes saberlo ya él tenia doce seguidores hombre’s quienes eran parte de sus reuniones. Cuando mi abuela Toña observar a este hombre y ha sus doce seguidores, ella no estaba impresionada y le dijo a mi madre que Abraham se creìa,” Jesus” porque tenia doce hombres como dicìpulos siguiendlo a el! Cuando yo le pregunto a mi madre sus cuenta anécedotas de el pasado es porque quireo entiender sus razones de elección de su vida y el papel como mujer y como su futuro iba cambiar. Yo soy la penǜltima hija de seis hijos y escribe para mantener viva y con honor el legado de mi madre! Mi madre no era perfecta, pero tubo que cargar muchas repsonsabilidades de su crianza y las deciciones que ella izo.

 “The saddest people I’ve ever met in life are the ones who don’t care deeply about anything at all. Passion and satisfaction go hand in hand, and without them, any happiness is only temporary, because there’s nothing to make it last.”-Nicholas Sparks

This man was grooming my mama and knew the plans he had up his sleeve, and my mama was not the first and would not be the last of his grooming efforts on women! Abraham would always be close to my mama using his older views and knowledge of studies to fish my mama in like a professional fisher man. Since my mama decided to pursue New Age studies she opened the doors for a lot of heartache that would follow her and her family. During all these choices and changes my mama’s paper work to enter into the United States was ready and the entrance to study at a university was also accepted. My mama thought she would leave her life behind and be ready for a new chapter but those dreams would be put to an immediate stop! Before my mama left Honduras she was still involved in this sect lead by Abraham in his home and many other things happened in that place to my mama. When my mama was in Alabama studying she said it was time for her monthly menstruation and it did not come down so she decided to take a pregnancy test and behold to her it came out positive! My mama was only ninteen years old in the year of 1959 and it was one of the hardest times in her life because she had to explain to her mother about her pregnancy. 

Las personas más tristes que he conocido son aquellas a las que no les importa nada en absolute. La passion y la satisfacción van de la mano, y sin ellas, cualquier felicidad es solo temporal, porque no hay nada que hacer en la ǜltima”.-Nicholas Sparks

Este hombre tenia en sus manga sus planes acerca de mi madre, no era la primera ni la ǜltima a quien él seducirìa! Abraham se acerbaba mas a mi madre, con sus conocimientos y experiencias como un viejo pescador professional para pescar a mi madre. Desde que mi madre estaba interesada en La Nueva Era, ella estaba abriendo las puertas para una futura y dura vida para su familia. Durante este tiempo, los documentos para entrar ha los Estados Unidos estaban preparados legalmente y su entrarada para la universidad tambien. Mi madre dejo su vieja vida con nuevos horizontes, pero muy pronto sus sueños se verìan parar inmediatamente! Antes que mi madre dejo Honduras todavia era parte de el secto dirigado por Abraham en la casa de el y en esa casa muchos cosas le pasaron a mi mama. Cuando mi madre estaba en la Universidad de Alabama dice ella que era tiempo que le bajo su regla y no la bajaba. Decidio hacerse la prueba de embarazo y le salio positivo! Mi madre solo tenia 19 años en el ano 1959 y era un tiempo duro para ella porque era necesario a explicarle ha su madre de su enbarazo.

While my mama was living in Alabama her aunt Marie or Mary they called her lived there and her brother Pablo or they called him Paul were the ones who took care of my mama. My great aunt was a single woman and my great uncle was a married man with his own family. My mama’s aunt and uncle were good to her and helped her in all that they could. For my mom’s uncle and aunt it was a great surprise and very hard to take, it created conflict, they did not know what steps to take and with discussions they went back and forth, they planned, and advised. Since my mama felt that she created these problems she made the decision to go back to Central America but not Honduras but where it would be possible for her to return. Uncle Paul bought my mama a plane ticket and got in touch with her parents.  My mama returned to Honduras and Abraham was waiting for her at the airport and he had taken her to a dumpy hotel near a market. My mom wanted to see her mother so she told Abraham and he took her to see my abuela Toñita and they discussed the problem at hand and my mama told her mother that she would be going to El Salvador. Abraham and abuela Toña and my mama traveled to El Salvador where Abraham’s father Don Abraham lived and he left my mama at his home and this is where she started a new life! 

 Cuando mi madre vivia en Alabama estaba ospedada con tia Marie o Mary y tio Pablo o Paul. La tia Mary era soltera y el tio Paul estaba casado con su propia familia y cuidaban ha mi mama. Los tios eran muy buenos con mi madre. Para los tìos aquella sorpresa desagradable fue un golpe muy duro, ocasionó un gran conflicto, ellos no sabìan que hacer, discutìan, planeaban, y aconsejaban. Al ver los problemas que mi madre habìa ocasionado decidió regresar. Le dijo a sus tìos que se iba de regreso, pero no ha Honduras, sino adonde fuera possible. Tìo Pablo compró el boleto de regreso y se comunicó con los padres de mi mama. Mi madre regresó a Honduras, Abraham la esperó en el aeropuerto, las llevo ha un hotelucho de mala muerte cerca del mercado, mi madre le dijo que necesitaba ver ha su madre, Abraham llevó a mi abuela Toñita. Mi madre y mi abuela hablaron del problema, mi madre le dijo que se iba para El Salvador, asì que Abraham y mi madre viajaron al Salvador y la dejo con su papá Don Abraham el viejito, en dondi comenzó una nueva vida. 

Sometimes the help from family really does not help with that immediate problem at hand and their advice at that heated and unpredictable moment could be unwelcome advice that could be harmful, hurtful, and not forgetful. We are not sure how the advice came about and what they thought would be best for my mama and her first unborn child. Their were several advice's and one was to go to  a home for pregnant young women and give birth there and come home with the child and the other was adoption. I believe all these suggestions were given due to my mama still being a young lady, starting her college years, living with her uncle and his wife, and the astigmatism that would be against her as a young woman and also because she was a foreigner in Alabama. There was a time also that the teachers at the university who were married could not even go to work pregnant. There were many conflicts that my mama had to over come in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The family discussed the problem at hand in English, my great uncle Pablo spoke fluent Spanish but was not permitted to speak in Spanish by his wife about there problem in his home and my mama at that time did not speak or understand the English language. The intention was not on the fetus but on embarrassment and persecution that the family felt they would be part of. 

A veces la asistencia no realmente ayuda con el problemas y el consejo en ese preciso momento puede ser dolorosa, peligroso, e inolvidable. No sabemos come el consejo o suguerencias fueron varias, una de haber sido internada en un hogar en donde permaneceria para dar luz ha su hija, regresar con ella ha casa o darla adopter. Luego los problemas de porvenir eran varios una que mi madre era muy joven lista para la universidad, en un estado como Alabama que descriminaban ha las madres solteras o que fueran alumnas embrazadas. Ni las maestras podìan ir embrazadas aunque fueren casadas. Todos estos fueron conflictos para la familia de mi madre en Tuscaloosa, Alabama. La familia discutìa el problema en inglés, mi tio Pablo que hablaba bien español no le permitìa hablar español en la casa por su esposa ni mucho menos dicutir ningǜn problema con mi madre quien no entendìa ni hablaba inglés. El problema no estaba centralizado en el ser viviente que estaba en gestación pero en el orgullo, verguenza y persecusìon que la familia serìa sometida por tener jovencita embarazada o con hija.

“When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.”-Sofia Loren

My abuelo Rodolfo was a man who also was not happy and not in agreement with my mama’s choice of interest in that sect and was not happy with this adult individual, Abraham. The relationship with my mama and her padres was becoming more distant and no one was able to communicate with each other until one day my mama just left her home to become part of this sect with the other youth. Before my mama understood what was happening little by little life’s problems started to reel her in and she became stuck and could not get out and she never thought that she would be one of his conquering subjects. This man Abraham already had his mistresses before my mama entered his life and they were located in the neighborhoods he lived around and paraded.  When it was time to leave the meeting he would leave either with my mama or with the other young people involved in that sect together. He would take advantage of these young people and have hand written notes ready for his neighborhood mistresses and he would give them to my mama or others in the group and he would instruct them to go knock on the door of these women and give them the notes. These women were married and the other young people would knock on the door and give these notes to these women. My mama thought of this strange and she mama never opened the notes to read them because he was never far away looking at my mama giving the note to the woman who was a lawyer and a writer of poems. Before my mama entered this man’s world he was a prideful individual who also used people to get whatever he wanted and it did not matter who was involved and who he hurt. My mama ended up going forward in this man’s life like a huge tsunami that kept dragging her in and trying to destroy her conscience and her future.

Cuando tǜ eres una madre, en realidad tǜ nunca estás sola en tus pensamientos, tienes que pensar dos veces por ti misma y por tus hijos”.-Sofia Loren

Mi abuelo Rodolfo no estuvo feliz y en acuerdo con la decision de mi madre y en esa secta y con ese individual, Abraham. La relacion contra mi mama y sus padre’s era mas distante y la comunicacion entre ellos tambien. La comunicación de mi madre con sus padres se fue distanciando mucho más con su padres hasta que un dìa dejó su hogar para llegar ha ser parte de esa pequeña comunidad que Abraham habìa organizado sonsacar ha un grupo de jóvenes. Antes que mi madre sabia poco a poco los problemas de la vida la atrearon ha mi madre y nunca pensó que ella llegarìa a ser una de las conquistas de él! Este hombre Abraham ya tenia sus amantes antes que mi madre entro ha la vida de el y las mujeres estaban localizadas en el vecindario de el adonde el desfelia. Cuando era tiempo para dejar las juntas este hombre si iba con los jovenes y mi madre y usaba a los jovenes para que tocan la puerta de sus amantes y que les de sus notitas a las amantes que estaban casadas. Mi mama pensaba que eso era raro pero nunca abrio las notas porque el hombre siempre estaba vijilandola a ella. La notita era para una mujer que era abogada y escribia poemas.  Este hombre era en su vida muy orgulloso que usuaba ha la jente para lo que el quieria y no le enportaba ha quein afectaba y hacer dano.

My grandmother did not want to communicate with my grandfather Rodolfo that his daughter was no longer in the United States but in El Salvador she was afraid of the violent reaction my grandfather would have when he found out that my mama was pregnant with Abraham’s child. But my mama’s aunt and uncle had already notified my grandfather of the situation and my grandfather than would go visit Abraham’s home frequently looking for answers on the where about's of my my mama and Abraham. But Abraham’s family did not know what was going on either because Abraham did not them what he had done. My grandfather I believe was hurt and confused because his wife and his child kept something very important from him. But my abuelo Rodolfo was a drinker and the family was trying to avoid a violent war between families and any more misunderstandings. My abuelo passed away abruptly and violently and was “Never” able to see his daughter again and was not able to meet his grandchildren who were part of his German heritage who were born white, blue eyes, colored eyes, and blonde hair. My madre left her life of opportunities in the United States to give birth to her first child Alba Artemisa, and not long after she decided to stay involved with the famous Abraham and they gave birth to twins, Dolly Afrodita, Rodolfo Lohengric, than Elias Alfonso, and than here comes me, “Surprise” Odette who is the one writing my mom’s biography of her life. 

Mi abuela no quizo comunicarle ha mi abuelo Rodolfo que su hija ya no estaba en Estados Unidos sino en El Salvador, mi abuela tenia miedo de la reacción violenta que podrìa causarle esa noticia, con su hija preñada de Abraham. Pero mis tìos desde Estados Unidos le informaron de las situación, entonces mi abuelo Rodolofo visitaba con frecuencia la casa de Abraham indagando del paradero e mi madre, pero los familiares de Abraham no sabìan naday el Abraham mismo nunca le dijo nada. Creo que abuelo estaba erido y confuso porque mi madre y mi abuela  guardaron algo bien inportante de el. Pero mi abuelo Rodolfo era bebador y la familia estaba previdiendo una guerra violente entre familias y mas malentendidos. Mi abuelo, muriendo violentamente sin haber visto “Nunca” más ha su hija y sin haber concocido ha sus nietos que representaban ha su familia aleman porque las niñas y el niño que habìan nacido con ojos azules, ojos de colores, blancos, y rubios. Mi madre dejo Estados Unidos, el paìs de las oportunidades para dar a luz a su primer hija Alba Artemisa, y muy pronto suguìa envuelta con el famoso Abraham y preñada con gemelos Dolly Afrodita, Rodolfo Lohengric, y Elias Alfonso, y duepues alli viene otra “Sorpresa,” Odette, la que escribe mi biographia de mi vida!

 “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”-C. S. Lewis

With the pregnancy and being in the United States my mama was very stressed out a lot and the stress level became higher when she had to tell her family. All the dreams for my mama had to be put on on hold for a while. The fetus itself had nothing to do with making choices whether to keep the child or not the choice became clear to bare the burden and carry the child and continue life. But the choice to tell her papa was another story! My abuelo was not doing well because he was drinking too much and making unwise and unhealthy mistakes. He had anger already towards Abraham that was a volcano rising in him ready to explode. My mom made the decision not to return to Honduras, she was picked up at the airport and went to a hotel first and met with her mama to speak about her decisions to move to El Salvador. My abuela Toña decided that she would not give bad news to my abuelo at this time.

Las pruebas y tribulaciones preparan a la gente ordinaria a llegar a tener un destino estraordinario”.-C.S. Lewis

Mi madre, unas vez en Estado Unidos, estaba muy estrezada al descubrir que estaba embarazada y que tenia que comuncarle su estado de preñez a su familia. Todos sus sueños tuvieron que poseponerse. Era muy claro que si querìa tener su hija o no, tenia que cargarla y continuar su vida. Pero la decision de decirle ha su padre fué una historia diferente! Ya él estaba enojado con Abraham y como un volcán listo para explotar. Cuando mi madre regresó ha Honduras, Abraham la recogió al aeropuerto y la llevó ha un hotelucho en donde se mirarìa con su madre, para notificarle que decidìa no regresar a Honduras y que se iba para El Salvador. Mi abueal Toña decidió no darle las malas noticias a mi abuelo.

Since my mama made the effort to stay in the relationship with this man and try to continue a family with him she also made the choice not to respond to her dad because of fear, embarrassment, anger, and to avoid a war that could have occurred between individuals and the opportunity to see her dad ever again would be lost for ever in this world! At her dad’s funeral she was not able to make it to the funeral or even see his body for the last time in the casket. The Honduran air-force donated the land and casket where my abuelo was buried. The people spoke of hundreds of people attending the funeral and carrying the casket to the cemetery to show their respect and appreciation for his service in Honduras. Also they said that the air-force flew planes over the cemetery in honor of my grandfather.

 Desde que mi madre hizo el esfuerzo de continuar relaciones y formar una familia con este hombre, también decidió no comonicarse con su padre por meido ha que él tomara represalia por enojo y vergǜenza, y para evitar la guerra entre dos individuos, NUNCA más volvió a ver ha su padre en esta vida otra vez! Ni siquiera en el ataǜd proque no llegó a teimpo para participar en el sepelio. La fuerza aérea hondureña por la menos donó el terreno y el ataǜd y llevaron ha mi abuelo hasta el ataǜd en donde fue sepultado. La gente hablaba de la procesión de cienes de personas que cargaron el ataǜd y llevaron a mi abuelo hasta el cementerio como respeto y agradecimeinto al servicio que mi abuelo Rodolfo hizo al pueblo hondureño, también las gentes le contaban a mi madre que los aviones de la fuerza aérea volaron sobre el cementerio e hicieron salvas en honor a mi abuelo.

My mama and her family did receive a pension from the Honduran air-force only for a short while. My abuela had plans to find work, but before it you knew it the air-force took that miserable pension away after my abuelo’s funeral. My abuela was using some of this pension to send to my mama to El Salvador till she was able to find a job.  All the efforts my grandfather gave to the Honduran air-force only made him suffer because he was not able to be part of the family due to demands. When you are in the military your duties come first! Many times he wanted to get out but men in suits would come to the home and insist on his return to the air-force that left him stressed and used. On some occasions  my abuela would tell stories that my abuelo would stay at home stressed out and some officials would go to the home to visit, like a Mr. Barnes, and others to give my grandfather support to continue his duties and to put on his uniform. At my grandfather’s funeral a young lady showed up out of no where and claimed that she was my grandfather’s daughter and we have not heard any thing from this individual since. My abuela never remarried and helped my mama raise her kids when she finally decided to leave Abraham who did not want to be part of my mama’s life or his kids! My abuela traveled to El Salvador to take part in taken care of her grandchildren while my mam worked in a school. Before you knew it Abraham and my mama were strangers and some of my brothers and sisters only saw him on occasions or stayed with him for short period of times and the others he said that they were not his biological offspring! So my mama finally decided to return to her country Honduras and started she started working for the government. 

            La pension de unos cuantos lempiras que le deban ha mi abuelo Rodolfo, me abuela Toña se la mandaba ha mi madre ha El Salvador meintras ella estarìa lista para trabajar. Pero esa miserable pension se la quitaron a mi abuela Toña una vez mi abuelo murió y cuando una persona esta en la militaria la obligacion primero es el trabajo.  Aun con todos los sacrificios que mi abuelo hizo para la Fuerza Aérea, incluyendo el tiempo que no dedicaba a su familia por la demanda que la responsabilidad del servicio militar y civil le imponìan. En algunas ocasiones, mi abuela contaba, que mi abuelo se quedaba en casa, estresado, algunos oficiales, como el senor Barnes y otros venìan ha visitarlo, ha darle apoyo, y ha segerirle ponerse su uniforme y presentarse ha trabajar.  Un anécdota muy importatne durante el funeral de mi abuelo Heller, segǜn mi abuela compartìa, fue la presencia de una dama que dijo ser hija de mi abuelo, desde entonces no se supo mas de ella. Mi abuela nunca establació maritales con ningǜn otro hombre. Ella se dedicó a cuidarnos. Viajó al El Salvador en donde nos cuidaba mientras mi madre trabajaba en una escuela. Abraham y mama ya eran estranjeros y algunos de mis hermonas y hermanas lo conocerion por poco tiempo y ha los otros el dijo que no eran ninos biolojicos de el. Después cuando mi madre decidió separarse de Abraham se regresó ha su paìs natal en Honduras y mientras tanto comenzó ha trabajar para el govierno y mi abuela continuaba cuidándonos.

               I’m not sure what my mother felt for this man and why she stayed with him.  Was it love or some type of infatuation? Many couples stay together for their kids and the sake of wanting to be part of a family structure and it ends up falling apart while others stay intact. It really did break apart the family structure rather than make it stronger to a certain point. Some of my brothers and sisters remember him because they spent time with him only for a short time while others were told that they were not his biological off spring by him and repeated to us by his other family also. As a result my brothers and sisters did not grow up with a strong foundation where a man could have been an example to be a leader and support us morally and economically like a family should. There are no excuses for a womanizer who not only had other children before we appeared in the picture but he also had children with other women while he had his first set of kids and eventually he finally forgot the existence of his off any of his spring. Finally Abraham left with another woman he was having an affair with who was a salvadoreña with a good financial status. He met this woman in El Salvador and left with her to Europe because she would be able to take care of him financially. The excuse he used was that he was going on a scholarship to study in Europe so he left all responsibilities of fatherhood he had with multiple woman to continue to pursue his desires. 

           No estoy segura cuales eran los sentimientos de mi madre para ese hombre y porque continuaba con él. Serìa enfatuación? Muchas parajes continǜan juntas por los hijos porque desean que ellos tengan una estructura familiar, mientras ésta continǜa intacta otras se desmoronan en vez de reforzarla. Algunos de mis hermanon y hermanas recuerdan ha Abraham porque pasaron más teimpos con él mientras a otros nos dijo que no éramos sus hijos biológicos y estas tambien la otra familia de el dijo que no eramos de el. De resultado, no crecimos con una fundación estructural familiar, en donde ese hombre no fue la cabeza del hogar sin darnos apoyo moral y económico como familia. Abraham era un mujeriego, que tubo hijos con diferentes mujeres, llegó al punto de olvidarse de nuestra existencia. Cuando éramos niños y vivìamos en Honduras, se fue a Europa con una señora salvadoreña de buenos recursos económicos, ha quien conoció cuando vivìa con mi madre en El Salvador y quien lo apoyarìa financieramente mientras vivieran allá en Europa. Se fue diciendo que iba ha estudiar con beca, mientras dejaba la responsibilidad de dos grupos de hijos con dos diferentes mujeres. 

Trials in life make us choose a path that either holt's us from moving forward and changes us. We can become angry, ungrateful, or confused. We start asking our self if we are worthy enough to be part of a family and if we can break bondage's that have entered into our families from generation to generation than we start searching for hope and love in all the wrong places. But there is a hope that we feel and that pulls us towards a sense of worthiness because our Savior has helped us over come obstacles that have deterred us from over coming that pain and darkness inside of us.

            Las pruebas y tribulaciones de la vida nos conducen ha escogar pasos que por un lado quiza nos conduzca por malos senderos de odio, ingratitude, y confusion. Nos paramos ha preguntarnos si vale la pena ser parte de esta familia o is tenemos que romper con la esclavitud que entró a nuestras familias por generaciones, y luego empezamos a buscar esperanza y amor en lugares erroneous, por otro lado el sentimiento de valor nos ayuda ha saltar los valladares por medio de nuestro Salvador que nos ha dado forteleza para curar nuestro dolor y obscuridad en que hemos vivido.

I am grateful for my life because I have seen my mother over come obstacle after obstacle. What ever pain continues to appear our way or what ever happiness will appear I will have to embrace it. I know we live in a falling world and there are things we do not understand and will not understand until it is time to go home. It will be difficult one day when my mama is no longer here, she will pass just as my ancestors did, and then it will be her children’s turn to pass into another existence that awaits us with open arms. My mama one day will go home and she will see her parents whom she misses but we will continue in the present time to hear all the funny and sad stories that my mama tells us and carry those memories and tell them to our children and they will tell them to their children.

Estoy agradecia por mi vida porque he visto a mi madre saltar los obstáculos. Cualquier herida que venga ha entorpecer nuestra felicidad sabre enfrentarla.  Sé que vivimos en un mundo que se esta cayendo y que hay cosas que las entenderé hasta que sea el tiempo de if ha casa. Será muy difìcil cuando mi madre ya no esté aquì, ella pasará como mis ancestros se fueron a otras existencias donde nos esperan con brazos abiertos. Mi madre un dìa se irá ha su casa en donde se encontrará con sus padres ha quines extraña, pero continuará viviendo en el presente con sus historias tristes y chistosas que nos ha contado y que han de servir como memorias para nuestros hijos y nietos.

"The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family"-Benjamin Franklin

"Los momentos mas felices de mi vida han sido los pocos en donde he pasado en la alma del hogar con mi familia."-Benjamin Franklin

"Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."-Isaiah 43:18, 19

"No os ocordeis de las cosas pasadas, ni traigias a memoria las cosas antiguas. He aqui que yo hago cosa neuva; pronto saldra a luz; no la conocereis? Otra vez abrire camino en el desierto, y rios en la soledad."-Isaias 43:18, 19

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