Sunday, February 24, 2019

My mama's birthday...El cumpleanos de mi mama...


     " bad as it was, I learned something about myself, that I could go through something like

that and survive."-Nicholas Spark

     "Pero...tan malo como fue, aprendi algo de mi misma, que me ayudaria atravesar y sobre vivir."-

Nicholas Sparks


     A baby girl was born at three in the morning on February 25, 1940 in Tegucigalpa, Honduras too

two wonderful parents. The name given to her was derived from the Old High German name

"Ernust" and from the Ancient Germanic word "ernustuz." Ernestina has been a family name and a

popular name in our family. My mama was named after her grandmother whose name was Ernestina

and her grandfather's name was Ernst. What a special name that was given to my mama!

     Una  bebe nacio a grandes padres a las tres de la manana el dia 25 de Febrero 1940, en

Tegucigalpa, Honduras. El nombre que le dieron a ella se derivado del Super Antiguo Aleman

"Ernust" y del Antiguo Germanico palabra "ernustuz." Ernestina ha sido un nombre de popular en

nuestra familia. Mi mama lleva el nombre de mi bisabuela paterna, quien se llamaba Ernestina asi

como el nombre del bisabuelo de ella era Ernst. Que nombre tan especial ha sido dado a mi mama. 

      Our family history has given my mama a name to carry on to her future off spring. From cousins

and nieces who carry my mama's name so they may always remember strength in their lives! We

carry the blood of a woman who has fought through this life of happiness and turmoil. A woman

made up of 56% Germanic European blood and 23% Native American.

     En nuestra historia familiar se le ha dado a mi mama un nombre que acarrea el futuro de sus

futuras retonos. Desde primos y sobrinas que llevan el nombre de mi mama, la recordaran como

ferteleza en sus vidas! Acarreamos la sangre de una mujer quien ha peleado a travez de su vide de

felicidades y tribulaciones. Una mujer creada de 56% Aleman Eurapeo y 23% Nativo Americano.

      In the era of my mama's birth a country in Central America which was named Belize near

Honduras was occupied by the United Kingdom than named British Honduras and crowned as a

colony in 1862. Belize became independent recently in 1981 but still has ties with the British

monarch as its head of state. Also Honduras in 1502 was claimed by the king of Spain and

Christopher Columbus was on his fourth and final trip to the New World. Honduras finally became

independent in 1821 from Spain and was part of the Mexican Empire until 1823.

     En la era del naciemiento de mi mama un pais Centro Americano llamado Belice, cerca de

Honduras fue ocupado por el Reino Unido por lo que fue nombrado Honduaras Britanica y

coronado como la colonia Britanica en 1862. Belice se independizo la recentamente en 1981 pero

mantiene relaciones con la monarca como jefe de estado. Tambien Honduras en 1502 fue reclamado

por Cristobal Columbas en su cuarto y ultimo viaje al Nuevo Mundo. Finalmente, Honduras obtiene

su independencia de Espana en 1821 y era parte del Imperio Mexicano hasta 1823.

      I wanted to add just a brief history of where my mama was born and the difficulties her country

had. Even though there were hard times my mama had also good times and memories to last for ever.

My mama had a nickname and it was "Gina." People knew  her by "Gina" instead of Ernestina and

my mama would sign some of her writings or pictures as "Gina." A young woman whose name had

so much character! Ernestina has a flamboyant name with so much meaning. A flamboyant charisma

and attitude to carry on as a very impressive hard working straight "A" student. The name Ernestina

is full of meaning, efficient, capable, diligent, sure, seriousness, earnest, strength, and solidity!

     Quiero agregar una historia breve acerca del lugar en donde nacio mi mama y las difiicultades

que su pais ha tenido. Aunque, han habido duros tiempos, mi madre tambien tube buenos momentos

en su vida y sus memorias permanecen por siempre. A mi mama la llamaban "Gina" asi la conocia la

gente como "Gina" en vez de Ernestina y mi mama firmaba en algunas fotos como "Gina." Ernestina

una joven con un nombre extravagante! Una etravagante con carisma y actitud en como lo cargo

y impresionante trabajadora dura con grado excelente consecativo de "A." Ernestina tiene un

nombre con mucho extravagancia y con mucho significado. Ernestina tiene un nombre con muchos

significados, eficiente, capaz, delicia, seriedad, fuerza, y solidez.   

     My mama recently went to visit Honduras in January 2019 and met a long lost flame from the

past! Oh, yes you are definitely reading this correctly and this is so exciting. A long lost amor of the

past who was her first innocent amor. It is like a Romeo and Juliet or like Lancelot and Guinevere!

Or how about Paris and Helena who they said was partly to blame for the Trojan War. Than there was

Tristan and Isolde who had an affair. I have to say love between two young lovers can be confusing.

You believe you are meant to be together and you do everything together and life has no meaning

without each other and than tragedy takes place. He sees another that kind of takes him astray and he

does the unspeakable. Or someone in the relationship just starts getting a little tired of you and wants

to wonder off to see new things and meet new people. Well they felt they needed a damn breather

from you or each other!

     Mi mama recientemente visito Honduras en Enero 2019 y se encontro con una vieja braza

encendida! Oh, si ustedes estan leyendo correctamente! !Y es muy emocionante! Un viejo y primer

amor perdido en el pasado. Se parace a Romeo y Juliet o como Lancelot y Guinevere. O quiza a

Paris y Helena quien se dice fue culpable en parte de la guerra de Troya. Despues estan Tristan y

Isolde quienes tienen una aventura. Tengo que decir que el amor entre dos jovenes puede llegara ser

confuso. Tu crees que esa relacion se cree para estar juntos y comparter la vida que no tiene sentido

vivir separados pero derrepente sucede una trajedia. El encuentra a otra que lo conduce por otro

camino y el comete algo indecible. O alguien en esa relacion se cansa de la rutina y conoce nuevas

personas. !Pues, no les importa un bledo las consecuencias de cada uno!

"She wanted something else, something different, something more, passion and romance, perhaps, or

maybe quiet conversations in candlelit rooms, or perhaps something as simple as not being second".-

Nicholas Sparks

"Ella quieria otra cosa, algo diferente, algo mas, passion y romancia, por ejemplo, o quiza una

conversacion suave en cuarto con candelas o por lo menos no ser la segunda".-Nicholas Sparks

     I was able to meet this old flame of my mama's only through a friendship made on my 

Facebook. I was able to have written conversations with him about meeting up with my mama. 

He asked if she was in Honduras and asked me for her phone number. I was enjoying every bit 

of this and of course gave him my mama's phone number and made sure my mama visited him 

before coming back home to USA. I insisted that she must do this before coming home and 

even insisted on her trying to change her plane ticket. I'm a sucker for these types of drama! 

Just like "The Swan Princess," where Derek and Odette were arranged to get married as 

children by their parents. Sometimes these type of relationships do work and many times it is 

dissolved. We thought we would be together but life circumstances took another turn that was 

not your fault.

     Tube la oportunidad de conocer la vieja braza de mi mama atravez de la amistad del 

Facebook. Tuvimos conversacion escrito acerca de mi mama. El me pregunto 

si mi mama estaba en Honduras y me pedio por su telefono.  Esto lo goce cada momento y 

claro le di el numero telefonico de mi mama y me asegure que ambos que tengan una visita 

antes que mi mama regresara a USA. Y aun insisti y trate de influir que ella cambiara su

itinerario. !Soy una  fanatica para este tipo de dramas! Justo como, "La Princesa Cisne," en 

donde el casamiento de Derek y Odette fue arreglado por sus padres cuando eran ninos. A 

veces esta clase de relaciones trabajan y otras se disuelven. Pensamos que estariamos juntos 

para siempre pero las circunstancias de la vida tomaron otro rumbo que no era nuestro culpa. 

"If you love deeply, you're going to get hurt badly. But it's still worth it."-C.S. Lewis

"Su tu amas profundamente, te vas a herirte mucho. Sin embargo vale la pena."-C.S Lewis

     This old child hood flame had found out that my mama was in Honduras on another occasion

before this trip and went looking for her at the airport without my mama's knowledge and was not

able to make contact with her at that time. How nice it feels that someone was still looking out for

my mama in a way we did not understand. Finally on my mama's next trip he was able to finally see

my mama after so many years and it was an all day meeting with so many memories and two great

gifts that have not been seen in 62 years! He lives only about twenty minutes away from my families

home town.

     Esta braza vieja de jovenes supo que mi mama estaba en Honduras en otra ocasion antes de este

reciente viaje y fue a buscar a mi mama al aeropuerto sin que mi mama supiera y no pudo tener

contacto con mi mama. !Que bonito es saber que todabia hay alguien por alli buscando a mi mama!

Finalmente, en este viaje el pudo ver a mi mama duespues de muchos anos y pasaron todo el dia

juntos con muchos memorias y le devolvio dos grandes regalos que no se habian visto en 62 anos. El

vive solo viente minutos de la casa de nuestra familia.

"It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up to your


"Toma gran coraje pararse ante tus enemigos, pero aun mas pararse ante tus amigos."-J.K.Rowling

      I am my mama's proud daughter and have wrote her stories so they are not forgotten. I so enjoy

old letters old pictures old friendships that stand time. This great gift that was given to my mama by

her child hood flame were two beautiful pictures taken in March 1957 in Laureles, Tegucigalpa,

Honduras, that are in excellent condition and were well taken care off. My mama was 15 years old

and just so dazzling, flashy, and glamorous. I thank this gentleman for my mama's memories of her

tiny tiny waist and those flashy legs!

     Soy una hija orgullosa de mi madre y escribo sus memorias para que no se pierdan. Me encanta

ver las fotografias y cartas de aquellos tiempos de amistades que superan el paso del tiempo. El gran

regalo que el le dio a mi mama, "esta braza de juventud" que son dos hermosas fotos fueron tomada

en Laureles, Tegucigalpa, Honduras que estan bien conservadas y cuidadas. Mi mama tenia 15 anos y

posa muy deslumbrante, ostentosa, y glamarosa. !Le agradezco a este caballero por guardar esas

memorias de esa cintura pequena y esas piernas escandalosas!

"Any day spent with you is my favorite day. So, today is my new favorite day."-Winnie the Pooh

"Cualquier dia dedicado contigo es mi dia favorito. Entonces, este  dia es mi favorito dia."-Winnie

the Pooh

"You were born an original work of art.  Stay original always. Originals cost more than imitations."-

Suzy Kassem

"Tu naciemiento es un trabajo de arte original. Originales valen mas que las imitaciones."-

Suzy Kassem